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Ricketts to do but to forget her vow and send off the two young people with her blessing. "Eh, but she's a dear young lady," she said, under her breath, apostrophizing Miss Maybright. "And Mag do set wonderful store by her, and no mistake. It ain't every young lady as 'ud think of my Maggie when she's going out pleasuring; but bless Miss Polly! she seems fairly took up with my poor gel."

"Friends all," he said, "the young married couple have to leave us for the afternoon steamer." "In this weather?" said somebody, pointing up to the lantern light through which the sky was now darkening. "Chut! A puff of wind and a slant of rain, as I've been saying to my gel here. Not obedience exactly? Something like it then, so she's bound to go along with him.

The blue paper had slipped out of my hand on to the worn hearthrug when my helpless meditations were interrupted by the thrumming and throbbing of the motor-car outside, and by my father, who was at the office door, saying in his loud, commanding voice: "Come, gel, guess it's time for you to be back." Half an hour afterwards I was in my own room at home, and given over to the dressmakers.

You commission Rostand to do one of his magnificent things for you and we serious men will do our part. Now, my duh good chap, I must be getting on, or the little gel will be telephoning all round the town!" He turned to the door, pausing upon the threshold. "Now, don't let any of these cheap little fellows foist any of their cheap little plays on you.

I only know that my father looked at me for a moment as if perplexed, and then burst into laughter. "I see! I see!" he said. "It's a doctor you want. I must send Conrad to put a sight on you. It'll be all right, gel, it'll be all right! Your mother was like that when you were coming." As we returned to the hall Betsy Beauty whispered that she was surprised Mr.

They both owned to a latent feeling of uneasiness in her presence. Had she showed the least trace of fear; had she dreaded them, or tried in any way to soften them, they would have known how to manage her. But Flower addressed them much as she would have done menials in her kitchen at home. The mother, as well as the son, muttered under her breath "Never see'd such a gel!"

I've talked it over with 'Bias, and he allows we should advertise for a single housekeeper; a staid honest woman to look after the pair of us with maybe a trifle of extra help. That gel, for instance, as waited table " "Tabb's child?" "Is that her name?" "She was christened Fancy Fancy Tabb her parents being a brace o' fools. Ay, she's a nonesuch, is Tabb's child."

"Say to him," continued Maryllia steadily, noting the forester's troubled countenance, "he must now remember that I am mistress here, and that my orders, even if given at the last moment, are to be obeyed." "That's it!" chuckled Josey Letherbarrow, knocking his stick on the ground in a kind of ecstasy, "That's it! Things ain't goin' to be as they 'as been now the Squire's little gel is 'ome!

When he was sober he was more or less afraid of Bet. "So you give me the slip, my gel!" he said. "But I'm a bit too cute for that sort of game. You'd better tell me where you ha' put those two little boys of mine. They're my boys, not yourn, you may as well understand. Where have you them hiding, Bet? I'll find out; so you may as well tell me." "I don't mind telling you, father.

I knew that Will wanted the gel ay, and haven't I played him a trick on that very account? and anyone could see with half an eye that she wanted him; and what more like than that they should make it up atween them. Yes, but wooing ain't wedding, and there's many a slip oh, yes, many and many. Don't you fret, Granger didn't I tell you as I had checkmated that low fellow, Scarlett?