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"And for sartin my gel won't wed you else." "And," continued Dent, "when I'm locked up, it won't look too nice for you. There are a few things as 'ull come out about that money as I stole. Ef I'm took up, Liverpool 'ull be a sight too hot for you, Granger. You take my word on that point." Granger's bloated and red face turned pale. He did not speak at all for a moment.

They remember you coming down to Tilbury. Aw, God bless me soul, gel, the way they're talking of you! There's no holding them at all at all! "Seriously, darling, you have no time to lose in making your preparations. "We'll arrange about Girlie when I reach home, which will be next week, I hope or rather fear for every day is like a month when I'm away from you. "But never mind, little woman!

Of a sudden, "W'ere's the gel?" he sputtered thickly as his quick shifting eyes for the first time noted Dorothy's absence. "Miss Calendar has other business none with you. I've taken the liberty of stopping you because I have a word or two " "Ow, you 'ave, 'ave you?

Hazel went off into peals of laughter, and Miss Amelia hated her more than before. Vessons, in the kitchen, shook his head. 'I never heerd the like of the noise there's been since that gel come. Never did I! he said. 'Leave him! said Miss Clomber to Hazel on the doorstep. She was going to add 'for my sake, but substituted 'his. 'You are causing him to sin, she added.

I sez, if a parson wants to chuck a gel under the chin, let 'im do so by all means, God willin'! But don't let 'im purtend as 'e couldn't chuck 'er under the chin for the hull world! Don't let 'im go round lookin' as if 'e was vinegar gone bad, an' preach at the parish as if we was all mis'able sinners while 'e's the mis'ablest one hisself.

Still I thought I had not made myself clear, so I said my husband had been untrue to me, that his infidelities under my own roof had degraded me in my own eyes and everybody else's, that I could not bear to live such a life any longer and consequently. . . . "Consequently," said my father, "you come to me to fight your battles for you. No, no, fight them yourself, gel.

It was followed by a short bull neck and a heavy pair of shoulders in a shirt of dirty grey flannel; and having emerged so far, the apparition paused for a look around. It was the steersman of yesterday afternoon. "'Ullo, below there!" Tilda hailed him. "'Ullo yerself!" The man looked up and blinked. "W'y, if you ain't the gel and boy?" "Where's Bill?" she asked, cutting him short. "Bill?"

"God Almighty bless ye!" he said, raising his trembling hand above her head; "God bless ye in your uprisin' and downlyin', and make the old 'ouse and the old ways sweet to ye! For there's naught like 'ome in a wild wandering world and naught like love to make 'appiness out of sorrow! God bless ye, dear little gel! and give ye all your 'art's desire, if so be it's for your good and guidin'!"

Won't she open them big eyes ov hers! I cherish the opinion that this'll tickle her some." The men were greatly pleased with Bill and even more pleased with themselves. Bill's picture of the "leetle gel" and her pathetically tragic lot had gone right to their hearts and, with men of that stamp, it was one of their few luxuries to yield to their generous impulses.

"I'll shut the door first," said Sampson. "I have got a thing or two to say to you, and you may as well hear me out. You aint behaved straight to me, Jim; you did a shabby thing behind my back; but, Lor' bless you, ef it's saved me from a gel like Louisa Clay, why, I'll be obleeged to you to the end of my days. Look here, I was very near committing myself with that girl.