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"Dee gib me some'n' t' eat, an' I frought maybe dee'd take me 'long, but dis mornin' dee had a big powwow, an' dee shot me an' knock me in d' haid. Seems laike dee 's gwine t' buhn a big plantation t'-night." "A big plantation, Polete?" I asked. "Where? Tell me oh, you must tell me!" But his head had fallen back, and his eyes were closed. There was another burst of blood from his nose and mouth.

"Na," returned Marion; "but I wad richt fain ken her fair intil them! Wha is there to assure 's o' her faith i' the atonement?" "Deed, I kenna, and I carena, mem! I houp she had faith i' naething, thing nor thoucht, but the Lord himsel! Alive or deid, we're in his han's wha dee'd for us, revealin his Father til 's," said the soutar; " and gien she didna ken Him afore, she wull noo!

"Lassie!" he said at length, in a voice that was not like his own, "didna ye ken i' yer ain sowl we wad raither hae dee'd?" "There'tis! That's jist what for Grizzie wadna hae ye tellt!

But he will be brought home by-and-by, before night: and you'll just look after him, will you, and give him a reprimand, you know?" "No, I woon't: I'll be dee'd if I'll leather my boy to please you or anybody else, not if you was twenty landlords istid o' one, and that a bad un."

Gien a hustled a wud be a dee'd loonie afore a had 'em spilled." "Aw, go on!" chorused the watchers. "Thry, just," urged Bridget, "an' we'll sing 'Onward, Christian Soldier' to hearten ye up." Eight shrill voices piped out the tune; and Sandy, caught by its martial spirit, before he knew it was limping a circle about the beds, marking his trail with golden blossoms.

She sat down beside what was left of Steenie, and ate of the oatcake, and drink of the milk she had carried forgotten until now. 'I won'er what God 'll du wi' the twa! she said to herself. 'Gien I lo'ed them baith as I did, he lo'es them better! I wud hae dee'd for them; he did! She rose and went out. Light had come at last, but too dim to be more than gray.

I thought the grave was a better place. I hae lain safter afore I dee'd! Phemy! Phemy! Rin, Phemy, rin! I s' bide wi' them this time. Ye rin, Phemy!" As it grew dark, the air turned very chill, and snow began to fall thick and fast Malcolm laid a few sticks on the smouldering peat fire, but they were damp and did not catch.

"Ye've been carryin' on this trade ever sin yir father dee'd, and the Glen didna notis. But ma word, they've fund ye oot at laist, an' they're gaein' tae mak ye suffer for a' yir ill usage. Div ye understand noo?" said Jamie, savagely. For a while MacLure was silent, and then he only said: "It's little a' did for the puir bodies; but ye hev a gude hert, Jamie, a rael good hert."

But atween him an' ma mither he aye kent fine when to stop. "An' a' oor faithers tasted afore they gaed to bed, an' they a' dee'd wi' their faces to the licht; an' I wadna gie ane o' them for a wheen o' yir temperance haverers wi' their dog talks on the Sabbath day." "I second that," said Ronald M'Gregor.

And when she was deein', she askit for it, and she dee'd wi' it in her haun'. An' that verra nicht, when Donald an' me was sittin' fon'lin' her gowden curls an' biddin' ane anither no' to greet for ae broken hairt can comfort anither broken hairt he slippit the token frae oot her puir cauld wee haun', an' he read the writin' that's on't oot lood: 'This do in remembrance of Me, an' he says, 'I'll dae it in remembrance o' them baith, mither o' Christ an' oor Elsie an' when I show forth the Lord's death till He come, I'll aye think o' them baith, an' think o' them baith thegither in the yonderland Christ an' oor Elsie an' me an' you tae, mither, a' thegither in the Faither's hoose. An' a' the time o' the funeral he hauded the token ticht, an' he keepit aye sayin' till himsel', 'Christ an' oor Elsie an' us a'.