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Curshank: can ye explain hoo it comes to beir the meanin' that it's weel kent to beir? said the manufacturer. 'Not I, Mr. MacGregor, answered the solicitor. 'I'm no philologist or antiquarian. Ask the chairman. 'Gentlemen, responded Mr. Innes, taking a huge pinch of snuff after the word, and then, passing the box to Mr.

"Then you see," the marquis went on, refusing offence, "what the admission of your story would make of my daughter?" "That's plain eneuch, my lord." "Now, if I have read Malcolm right, he has too much regard for his mistress to put her in such a false position." "That is, my lord, ye wad hae yer lawfu' son beir the lawless name." "No, no; it need never come out what he is.

'Sic like as whan ye speyk aboot him as gin he was a puir prood bailey-like body, fu' o' his ain importance, an' ready to be doon upo' onybody 'at didna ca' him by the name o' 's office ay think-thinkin' aboot 's ain glory; in place o' the quaiet, michty, gran', self-forgettin', a'-creatin', a'-uphaudin', eternal bein', wha took the form o' man in Christ Jesus, jist that he micht hae 't in 's pooer to beir and be humblet for oor sakes.

Robert, my man, be a guid lad, an' serve the Lord wi' a' yer hert, an' sowl, an' stren'th, an' min'; for gin ye gang wrang, yer ain father 'll hae to beir naebody kens hoo muckle o' the wyte o' 't, for he's dune naething to bring ye up i' the way ye suld gang, an' haud ye oot o' the ill gait. For the sake o' yer puir father, haud ye to the richt road.

"I could trust ye, but I canna tell ye. I daurna I maunna." "I see you will not trust me," said Florimel, with a half pretended, half real offence. "I wad lay doon my life what there is o' 't for ye, my leddy; but the verra natur o' my trouble winna be tauld. I maun beir 't my lane."

"The next direction," said Cosmo, "is 'Rug his lugs frae ane anither. Noo, father, God be wi' 's! an' gien it please him we be dis-ap'intit, may he gie 's grace to beir 't as he wad hae 's beir 't. "I pray the same," said the laird. Cosmo pulled the two ears of the animal in opposite directions. The back began to open, slowly, as if through the long years the cleft had begun to grow together.

It's a wonner he didna think shame to come to me. But he cam to beir my shame. Robert wondered at her words. She talked of her sin with such a meek openness! She looked her shame in the face, and acknowledged it hers. Had she been less weak and worn, perhaps she could not have spoken thus. 'But what am I aboot! she said, checking herself.

They thought they were giving it to a poor old woman, when they were in fact giving it to men with a great house over their heads. It's a disgrace, an' hard to beir, Aggie!" "'Deed the thing's hard upon 's a'! but whaur the disgrace is, I will not condescen' to see. Men in a muckle hoose! Twa o' them auld, an' a' three i' their beds no fit to muv!

"Ay!" she concluded, and thereafter sank into smouldering silence, "there was a futpath there afore ye was born, laird, blast or no blast; an' to that I can fess them 'at can beir testimony, ane o' them bein' nane ither nor Jeames Gracie himsel', wha's ten lang years aheid o' yer lairdship! an' lat me see man or dog 'at 'll haud me ohn taen my wull o' my richts intil't!

"Then you see," the marquis went on, refusing offence, "what the admission of your story would make of my daughter?" "That's plain eneuch, my lord." "Now, if I have read Malcolm right he has too much regard for his mistress to put her in such a false position." "That is, my lord, ye wad hae yer lawfu' son beir the lawless name." "No, no: it need never come out what he is.