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''Twas nae sae muckle gude I gained by't at hame; though I mind the time that a contested election was ane o' my gran' holidays, an' I thought mair o' what bigwig was to get into Parliament for the borough than I did o' my ain prospects in life, fule that I was; until I found the bairns comin', an' the loom going to the wall a'thegither before machinery and politics wouldna mak' the pot boil, nor gie salt to our parritch.

I'm no' sufferin' pain to speak o'. I can sleep at nicht, an' I tak my parritch, an' I hae ma faculties an' I'm in God's hauns," he said, the climax coming with unconscious power. "There's no better bulletin than that," I responded.

"The halesome parritch, chief of Scotia's food." Burns. Cadbury's Cocoa Essence, made with equal parts of boiling water and fresh milk, slightly sweetened with lump sugar, is an admirable food for a delicate child. Bread and butter should be eaten with it. Have you any remarks to make on cow's milk as an article of food?

"Here's your parritch; ye may eat it or leave it, just as ye please," said the woman, setting the can on the floor. "I want some tea! I will have none of your filthy messes! Bring me some tea!" cried Faustina. "I wish ye may get it, lassie, that's a'," answered the dame, as she went out and locked the door behind her. That was the last visit Faustina had that night.

"It would be strange if I didna," he returned, "for he was my born brother; and little as ye seem to like either me or my house, or my good parritch, I'm your born uncle, Davie my man, and you my born nephew. So give us the letter, and sit down and fill your kyte." If I had been some years younger, what with shame, weariness, and disappointment, I believe I had burst into tears.

Ma ain girlie, wee Kirsty, she likit them fine, but I forbade her. This was the way it cam aboot div ye mind the year o' the Exposeetion in Paris? Weel, me an' Kirsty's mither took a jaunt an' gaed till't. We was ower three weeks amang thae foreign fowk, wi' nae parritch an' nae psalm. We gaed frae Paris to the auld hame in Ettrick, an' 'twas like gae'n to Abraham's bosom frae the ither place.

"Hoots, lassie!" cried oot Sally, "th' auld carline i' the kitchen is i' her box-bed, an' weel aneuch ye ken is lang syne cuddled doon." "Oo ay!" said Fanny, strikin' her curly pow, "then fetch me parritch, an' dinna be lang wi' them, for I've lickit a Pettybaw lad at the gowff, an' I could eat twa guid jints o' beef gin I had them!" "Losh girl," said I, "gie ower makin' sic a mickle din.

The discussion had continued so long that the ministers, as if by mutual consent, dropped it after this point, and turned to Ramblin' Peter, who was appeasing his hunger with a huge "luggie o' parritch." But the poor boy had no heart to finish his meal on learning that Marion Clark and Isabel Scott of whom he was very fond had been captured by the soldiers and sent to Edinburgh.

"Aweel, then, your worship, I had been hard at wark a' the day, and could na get awa to see the wedding deecorations. But after my wark was dune and I had my bit aitmeal cake and parritch, I e'en cam' my way over the brig to hae a luke at them." "Well, and what did you see besides the decorations?"

If they disliked any article of food, that, and no other, were they forced to eat, or starve. Wild Robin, loathing his withered beans and unsalted broths, longed intensely for one little breath of fragrant steam from the toothsome parritch on his father's table, one glance at a roasted potato.