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'Twice a year so his clerk towd me Christmas an Midsummer. Praps we shan't want to use it aw, Hannah; praps we might save soom on it for t' childer. Their keep, iv yo feed em on parritch, is nobbut a fleabite, an they'n got a good stock o' cloos, Sandy's nurse towd me. He looked anxiously at Hannah.

'I said there was nae odds i' me, Betty, persisted Robert, laughing. 'I kenna what may be in ye, retorted Betty; 'but there's an unco' odds upo' ye. 'Haud yer tongue, Betty, said her mistress. 'Ye oucht to ken better nor stan' jawin' wi' young men. Fess mair o' the creamy cakes. 'Maybe Robert wad like a drappy o' parritch. 'Onything, Betty, said Robert. 'I'm at deith's door wi' hunger.

Cosmo sat a long time talking with his friend, for now there seemed no danger of hurting him, so much better was he. It was late therefore when he rose to return. Aggie was in the kitchen when he entered. She was making the porridge. "What's come o' Grizzie?" asked Cosmo. "Ye dinna like my parritch sae weel as hers!" returned Agnes. "Jist as weel, Aggie," answered Cosmo.

They paid for the parritch I had for breakfast, and the bit o' beef I'll be eating for my dinner. If it wasna for them and the likes of them I'd still be digging coal i' the pit in Scotland! It'll be the sair day for me when they call me Mr. Lauder!" I meant that then, and I mean it now.

"Mither," he whispered in his dreams, "my shoon are worn, and my feet bleed; but I'll soon creep hame, if I can. Keep the parritch warm for me." Robin was as strong as a mountain-goat; and his strength was put to the task of threshing rye, grinding oats and corn, or drawing water from a brook.

His forgiving parents and his leal-hearted brothers welcomed him home with more than the old love. So grateful and happy was the poor laddie, that he nevermore grumbled at his oatmeal parritch, or minded his kye with a scowling brow. But to the end of his days, when he heard mention of fairies and brownies, his mind wandered off in a mizmaze.