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There was a panic among the women, and indignation among the men: a Hell-cat advanced and announced that unless the tommy books were all given up to be burnt, they would pull down the house. There was no reply: some of the Hell-cats advanced; the women cheered; a crowbar fell upon the door; Master Joseph fired, wounded a woman and killed a child.

I stared at the strange creature, comprehending something of the power of passion such as she could exercise over De Noyan, causing him to forget all honor in her presence. Saint Andrew! she was a witch, a hell-cat, whose smile was death. Ay! and she was smiling then, a smile of cruel, unrelenting triumph, gazing down upon the howling slaves who should do her pleasure.

I ran to the door and poked my head discreetly out; for my coat and waistcoat were off as well as my sword, and I wished to see the manner of tumult at a distance before I saw it close. As I thrust forth my head I heard a familiar voice: "And if ye come closer, ye old hell-cat, 'tis me will be forgetting respect to my four great-grandmothers and braining you. Keep off! Am I not giving ye the word?

Get your men in order or I'll be among you." "Stupid!" said Tummas, staring at Mick with immense astonishment. "And who are you who says 'Stupid? A white-livered Handloom as I dare say, or a son of a gun of a factory slave. Stupid indeed! What next, when a Hell-cat is to be called stupid by such a thing as you?"

Then he axed her how in the devil's name she dared to find him out and stand afore him. "What do you mean, you vile woman?" he screamed. "Who told you I was here? I'll tear his heart out when I know who 'twas and yours also you hateful hell-cat!" "Alive! Alive, thank God! They told me true," she cried. "Oh, Nicky!" "Not alive to you," he answered.

"Oh, curse the hell-cat!" he cried; and maddened with rage at the pain, he struck her from him, and her head coming violently in contact with the sharp edge of the table, she was thrown down senseless on the floor. Her forehead was deeply cut, and presently the blood began flowing over her still, white face. The woman now became terrified in her turn. "You have killed her!" she cried.

'But, he said, 'Eleanor's aunt is an old hell-cat; she was going to drag Eleanor abroad, and I had to get her out of her clutches! ... I think," Henry Houghton interrupted himself, "that's one explanation of Maurice: rescuing a forlorn damsel. Well, I was perfectly direct with him; I said, 'My dear fellow, Mrs. Newbolt is not a hell-cat; and the elopement was in bad taste.

"The young devil snickered; I turned around mighty stern 'Stop your laughing, you hell-cat if I am alone, I can take you, and I grabbed for my knife to wade into his liver; but it was gone gun, bullet-pouch, and pistol, like mules in a stampede.

Some other woman has had what I can never have. And I wanted it so! that first love that means everything the love he gave her when I was only a messy little girl, with pig-tails and too many hands and feet! Oh, that that hell-cat! She's had everything!" There was an interval, during which Mrs. Pendomer smiled crookedly, and Patricia continued to sob, although at lengthening intervals. Then, Mrs.

But already he had whipped out his pistol; and she fired instantly, smashing his right hand to pulp. "You damned hell-cat!" he screamed, stretching out his shattered hand in an agony of impotent fury. Blood rained from it on the stone flags. Suddenly he started toward her. "Don’t stir!" she whispered. "Turn your back and raise both arms!" His face became ghastly.