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Updated: November 10, 2024

Levins snickered. They trailed the reins over the heads of their horses, and walked swiftly toward the corrugated iron building.

The extra horses are white and black Jo's and Hiram's. I wonder what's the matter with Jo." "Huh!" snickered Drummond. "The package we handed her is enough to make anybody sick! But I don't just like the way things look, either. By golly, aren't we to know where we stand until Jo gets well!"

Lane again. "If they like it, what's the odds?" "He-he!" snickered Miss Brooks. "Well, now," resumed Mr. Hardcastle, "it stands to reason children should learn to like what their elders have liked before them. That's the only decent and Christian way of living. Webb's prayers, and Mr.

Hog-reave Slick, says he, 'here's a job out here for you. Folks snickered a good deal, and I felt my spunk a-risin' like half flood, that's a fact; but I bit in my breath, and spoke quite cool. 'Possible? says I; 'well, duty, I do suppose, must be done, though it ain't the most agreeable in the world.

They didn't get no spirit communication an' they won't suspect nothin'. We'll just stay where we be an' go on 's if nothin' had happened." Indeed, this seemed the wisest plan, and, shivering with the cold, the baffled ones filed back to the Jack-o'-Lantern. "How did you get out, Israel?" whispered Mrs. Dodd, as they approached the house. The old man snickered.

But David Bond, as he watched Dallas questioningly, determined to be silent no longer. He paused in his walk. "My friend," he said solemnly, "you talk like a madman. For shame!" Dallas stood stock still, her eyes warning him. But it was too late. Her father snickered, drew on his pipe once or twice, and then grinned up at the evangelist. "It's gittin' light outdoors," he said significantly.

So much in love he nearly broke her neck showing off his driving for her benefit." Marchmont snickered again. "As for your friend Mr. Byrd " he smiled with a touch of sly pleasure "you won't see him, he sailed for France yesterday, alone. His name is in this morning's list of departures." And he drew a folded and marked newspaper from his pocket.

The door to the waiting room opened and an attractive woman of perhaps thirty, dressed in extreme mourning, entered with a boy. Milton cast a glance of scorn at the "little dude." He was in reality about fourteen years old but was dressed to look much younger. Milton took his feet down in deference to the lady, but snickered openly at the boy. A fight seemed imminent. "Did you wish to see Mr.

But now a sound was heard outside, and Leviatt came into the room. He nodded shortly and took his place at the end of the table. A certain reserve came into the atmosphere of the room. No further reference was made to the subject that had aroused laughter, but several of the men snickered into their plates over the recollection of Leviatt's connection with the incident.

Soon Twinkleheels could hear Farmer Green shouting "Gee!" and "Haw!" "There!" Twinkleheels called to the two bays. "There's Farmer Green talking to Bright and Broad. I hope they're not helpless already." The bays snickered. "Don't laugh!" Twinkleheels begged them. "It's not funny. It would be awful for them to spend the rest of the winter in a snow bank."

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