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So she 'clared she wuz n' gwine ter hab nuffin mo' ter do wid young Mars Jeems.

"'Make yo' peace, Miss Deely! make yo' peace, honey! kaze I gwine right back ter dat baby ef de Lord spar' me. I gwine back, Miss Deely! I gwine back!

We shall have to meet our greatest perils after we leave this place." "Well, I s'pose you knows best, Dan; and we's gwine to do jus what you say," replied Quin, meekly. "Dem's um, Dan; you jus tell dis chile wot you wants done, and we's gwine to do notin but do it," said Cyd. "But we must have something to eat while we remain here," added Dan. "Dat's so; niggers can't lib widout eatin."

"We done wait free days for you, an' Massa Lonley be mighty glad to see you." "Where is Captain Lonley now?" asked the lieutenant. "Stoppin' wid Massa colonel. He done tole me to call him if de mate come. Dis nigger gwine to do dat," added the man. "Stop a little," added Christy, as he climbed on board of the vessel, followed by Flint. "How many men have you on board?" "Six men wid de cook."

But for three days no one spoke a friendly word to him, and he pined away with a broken heart. On the fourth night, when all was quiet, little Gulliver saw a black shadow steal across the lawn, and heard a soft voice say to him: "Poor bird, you'll die, if yer stays here; so I'se gwine to let yer go. Specs little missy'll scold dreffle; but Moppet'll take de scoldin for yer.

That boy would keep his word; he was ready to shoot if crossed; and the way in which he had killed the brute of a dog proved his skill with the gun he was fondling now. "Oh! all right, bub, I'll clear out, if yuh sez so; but if I ever get a chanct tuh even up this hyer score I'm gwine tuh do hit, sure's yer born!"

He looked down on her calmly and smiled simply, happily. She threw her arms around his waist and sank on her knees at his feet sobbing. "Ben, Ben! My Ben! I nevah even thought of it. Hit seemed so far away, but now we're goin' to be free free, free!" He lifted her up gently. "It's gwine to tek a pow'ful long time," he said. "I don' keer," she cried gaily. "We know it's comin' an' we kin wait."

Miss Allison proved the key that unlocked every little red tongue, and they answered her questions glibly. "We don brought sumpin to Miss 'Genia," stammered Tildy, shyly. "M'haley, she got a chicken in dis yere box wot she gwine to give to Miss 'Genia to take away wid her on de kyars." "A chicken!" repeated Miss Allison, laughing, "What did M'haley bring Miss Eugenia a chicken for?"

Twelve hundred dollars was the sum to be raised, and by hard work the father had laid by one hundred of it when a severe illness put an end to his efforts. After many prayers and much consideration of the matter, his feeble old wife said to him one day, "Paul, I'm a gwine up to New York myself to see if I can't get that money."

Hit's over in Brooklyn but a nigger's gwine ter meet me at de ferry and take me dar." Sam felt in his pocket for the money for the ferry. Luckily he had twenty cents. It was worth while to gamble that much on a trip to the promised land. An emissary of the prophet met them on the Brooklyn side and led them to a vacant store with closed wooden shutters. No light could be seen from the street.