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"I can't take you, old fel'!" he explained. "You're such a common-looking mutt. Of course, I know you're white clear through but a lady would laugh at you until she knew you!" Even as he said it his heart accused him of disloyalty. He suddenly changed his mind. "Come on!" he whispered gruffly. "We'll chance our luck together. If you open your head I'll brain you! Wait here a minute."

They got a look in return that froze their marrow, and by that time a curled and breast-pinned bar keeper was beaming over the counter, proud of the established acquaintanceship that permitted such a familiar form of speech as: "How're ye, Billy, old fel? Glad to see you. What'll you take the old thing?" The "old thing" meant his customary drink, of course.

"I'm not going to drag you into anything that you'd object to," Darrin continued. "Come along; all I want you for is as a witness to what I am going to say." "Don't do it, old fel " "I've thought that over, and I feel that I must," replied Dave firmly. "Come along. Don't attract attention by standing here arguing." In another instant the two midshipmen were going swiftly up the steps.

"A clearly-expressed wish was uttered," he concluded, "and Tung Fel still remains." With this resolution he stepped back into the chamber and struck the gong loudly.

People in general like those who charm them without causing them to fear that they will be called upon to render aught in return for the amusement given, or that the pleasurable excitement of gayety will be followed by the sadness of melancholy confidences the sight of mournful faces, or the inevitable reactions which occur in susceptible natures of which we may say: Ubi mel, ibi fel.

I remember one fellow that had it blazing up from a pipe through a flower-bed, just like a jet of water from a fountain. My, my, my! You fel you gentlemen ought to go out and see that country, all of you. Wish we could torpedo this well, Mr. Dryfoos, and let 'em see how it works! Mind that one you torpedoed for me?

As we left the Tuileries, Patu took me to the house of a celebrated actress of the opera, Mademoiselle Le Fel, the favourite of all Paris, and member of the Royal Academy of Music. She had three very young and charming children, who were fluttering around her like butterflies. "I adore them," she said to me.

But when Psyches saw so glorious a body shee greatly feared, and amazed in mind, with a pale countenance all trembling fel on her knees and thought to hide the razor, yea verily in her owne heart, which doubtlesse she had done, had it not through feare of so great an enterprise fallen out of her hand.

This was Luck, and he had the look of a man who owns a guilty secret, and is ready to be rather proud of his guilt, providing society consents to wink at it with him. He was not smiling, exactly; he had a wicked kind of twinkle in his eyes. "Hurry up, boys! My Lord, how you fellows do primp and jangle in here! They're going to run our first picture, The Soul of Littlefoot Law. Don't you fel "

"What are you talking about, old fel? Why, everybody dies here nights at nine o'clock; there's not a thing doing after that. It's the most forsaken, dismal place imaginable after that hour. I'm dying of dry rot, that's what's the matter." He finished with a cough that seemed to wrack him from head to feet. "You're sick," said Newbert, with a show of sympathy.