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His pale blue eyes showed like pin points under the shaggy, gray brows. "You're back early, just in time for me to remark that if we don't get a pot-wrastler for this here outfit pretty durn quick, the boys'll be cookin' their own chuck. I'm blamed if I'll herd this stove much longer." Wade smiled as he passed into the adjoining room to remove his spurs and chaps.

Me and Perez are bachelors, and we'd be jest green hands. But you're a able seaman, you know what it is to manage a wife." "Yes, I do," groaned Captain Jerry lugubriously. "Durn it, that's jest it!" Captain Eri was chuckling as, lantern in hand, he passed around the corner of the little white house on the way to the barn. He chuckled all through the harnessing of Daniel, the venerable white horse.

And then waxing enthusiastic, and warming more and more into German gutturals and pronunciation, the good Doctor would lift up his hands, with two great rings on his thumbs, and exclaim: "Und Du! and dou, Aphrodite, dou, whose bert de seasons vel-coined! dou, who didst put Atonis into a coffer, and den tid durn him into an anemone! dou to be called Venus by dat snivel-nosed little Master Budderfield!

But ef you want to take it up fer 'em, and got any sand to back you, jest say it, and I'll come down there and knock them durn twisted eyes o' yourn straight ag'in!" "Yes, you will!" muttered the cross-eyed boy, with dubious articulation, glancing uneasily up the alley.

The girl made a little gesture of pain, and then stepped softly over and, kneeling, looked into Throng's face. The lips were moving. "Dad," she said, "are you asleep?" "I be a durn fool, I be," he said in a whisper, and then he began to cough. She took his' hands. They were cold, and she rubbed them softly. "I feel so a'mighty holler," he said, gasping, "an' that bread's sour agin."

"Thar, didn't I tell ye," thundered Raften; "didn't I say that that dhirty swindler of an architect was playing us into the conthractor's hands thought we wuz simple a put-up job, the hull durn thing. Luk at it! They're nothing but a gang of thieves." Yan glanced at the plan that was being flourished in the air.

The face was rough and weather-beaten, with the deep tan got in the open life of a land of much sun and little cloud, and he had a beard which, untrimmed and growing wild, made him look ten years older than he was. "I bin waitin' a durn while," the mountain-man added, and got to his feet slowly, drawing himself out to six and a half feet of burly manhood.

"What are ladies-and-gentlemen?" "Don't you know?" continued the gambler, unfolding a curious lore of flowers. "Those little potty, white things, split up the middle with a green head on top grow under ferns. Come on. Cards are ready! Who's going to play?" "Durn it! Them's Dutchman's breeches!" exclaimed the sun-browned trapper. "O Goll!

Once, in later life, he one day picked up a gun that unexpectedly went off with such a bang that it knocked him down and as a result he could never be tempted into touching firearms of any description. The argument that they were not loaded had no effect whatsoever. "No matter," he would say. "The durn thing may go off just the same." Christopher laughed merrily.

"Why, he 's so durn wore out a yankin' things 'round thet he 's bin plum asleep all ther way out yere. Say, Cap, be it true thet a muel will wake up an' git a move on itself if ye blow in his ear?" "Who told you that?" "The feller down et ther quartermaster's corral. He said as how thet wus ther way ther niggers got 'em ter go 'long whin they got tew durn lazy.