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Updated: August 7, 2024

I told 'em I generally got what I wanted! Now I'll get it this time. Kendrick " "Wait," said John. "Captain Obed, you understand me so far?" The captain's outraged feelings burst forth. "I understand it's durn mean business!" he shouted. "I'm ashamed of you, John Kendrick!" "All right! all right! The shame can wait. And I want YOU to wait, too until I've finished.

"It's de smoddehin', boss, de smoddehin'. Oh, why did Ah try an' make trouble ober dem durn sponge beds? Ef Ah eber gets on sho' again Ah'll be a betteh man. Lordy, Lordy, what am Ah gwine to do?" His voice rose in a shriek. "He's a-comin' now!" The pointed fin jerked suddenly and a third of the gigantic shape heaved itself into the air as the devil ray whirled.

Gosh naow wat wouldn't I give fer a cannon the size o' Mis Perry's yarn-beam thar. Ef the white feathers seen a gun the size o' that p'inted at em an a feller behind it with a hot coal, I callate they'd be durn glad tew 'gree tew a fa'r settlement. But Lordomassy, gosh knows we hain't got no cannon, and we can't make one." "I don't know about that, Abner," replied Perez, deliberately.

Sandy was jubilant over the shooting of Cross, regretful that he had not had a hand in it. "You won't be so durn stuck on a gun fight after you've been in one or two," said McHale grimly. "Now let's see how she stacks up. I'm goin' to hide out for a spell, but if I was you I'd go back and stand the racket." "I guess not," said Sandy positively.

We saw His Majesty sick in bed he was, but just as high and mighty and independent as ever and George bought back the land and the Lane for thirty-five hundred dollars. The old man didn't seem to give a durn about it any more. He'd had his own way, he said, and that was all he cared about. Besides, he ain't goin' to stay in Denboro much longer.

"There's nothing of the milk-sop and cry-baby about her. She's fit to be a sailor's wife, and I only hope Nat's alive to come back and marry her. He was a durn good feller, too savin' your presence, Mr. Ellery and if he was forty times a Come-Outer I'd say the same thing. I'm 'fraid he's gone, though, poor chap. As good a seaman as he was would have fetched port afore this if he was atop of water.

Countin' 'em all the punchers which have come in with the fellows I have named there'll be about seventy-five. "An', say!" he added, suddenly confronting Hollis and grasping him by the shoulder and shaking him playfully and admiringly, "there wouldn't a durn one of them have come over here on my account. They up an' told me so when I asked them.

"But in which direction does their main camp lie, Sergeant?" He shook his head gravely. "Durn it; thet's just what I can't quite figure out, sir whether we uns be to ther north or south of ther white church. Then, somehow or other, it seems like to me as if this yere road lay a bit too close ter the edge of ther plateau ter ever be the main pike what the Feds marched over.

'We're not goin' to kneel down or knuckle under to him, but he don't look like any one else in this room, does he? 'He's no slouch, and he looks yer square and full in the eye, like a hunter, says Arizona Bill; 'but durn my old buckskins if I can see why you Britishers sets up idols and such and worship 'em, in a colony, jest's if yer was in that benighted old England again.

"I'll just bother you to make good that bluff of yours about firin' me out of here. Why, you durn, low-flung " "Quit it!" Casey interrupted. "Stay where you are, Farwell, I'm not going to have a scrap. Tom, you come with me." "Oh, well, just as you say, Casey," grumbled McHale. "I ain't hostile, special. Only I don't want him to run no blazers on me. He "

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