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Updated: August 26, 2024

"And I don't say dey're wrong mind dat. I like a bretty picture myself. And I understand the way dey feel. Dey're villing to let Sargent take liberties vid them, because it's like being punched in de ribs by a King; but if anybody else baints them, they vant to look as sweet as an obituary." He turned earnestly to Stanwell. "The thing is to attract their notice.

Bippo, who was by far the brightest of the three, had shown a wonderful readiness in picking up a knowledge of the English tongue. He was so much superior in that respect to his companions, that they invariably left to him the duty of conversing with their masters. "Dey're ober dere," he replied, pointing to the other shore. "Who's over there?"

Smith, returning from luncheon on the day following his announcement of the great change, found both Betty and Pugsy waiting in the outer lair, evidently with news of import. "Mr. Smith," began Betty. "Dey're in dere," said Master Maloney with his customary terseness. "Who, exactly?" asked Smith. "De whole bunch of dem." Smith inspected Pugsy through his eyeglass.

"Pud id down here, Laadham," directed Mr. Schultze. "Dey're all dwins alike Dweedeldums und Dweedledeeses." Mr. Latham silently placed the fifth diamond on the table, and for a minute or more the five men stood still and gazed, first at the diamonds, then at one another, and then again at the diamonds. Mr. Solomon, the crisply spoken head of Solomon, Berger and Company, broke the silence.

I wonder what'll Peggy say bout my two puppies. I've got to take my two puppies wis me. Will dey get sick riding on de water, auntie? Say, will dey?" "I I think not, dear," ventured his auntie cautiously. His auntie was a conscientious woman, and she knew very little about puppies. "Be'trice will help me take care of dem if dey're sick," he remarked comfortably.

Dey're gwine ter bu'n yo' new hospittle, ef somebody don' stop 'em." "Josh men you are throwing your lives away. It is a fever; it will wear off to-morrow, or to-night. They'll not burn the schoolhouses, nor the hospital they are not such fools, for they benefit the community; and they'll only kill the colored people who resist them.

When Sandy wuz wid me he had on gray clo's, an' when we sep'rated he wa'n't in no shape ter be changin' his clo's, let 'lone robbin' er killin' anybody." "Your testimony ought to prove an alibi for him," declared Miller. "Dere ain' gwine ter be no chance ter prove nothin', 'less'n we kin do it mighty quick! Dey say dey're gwine ter lynch 'im ter-night, some on 'em is talkin' 'bout burnin' 'im.

"Oh, yaas, yaas, ma'am, dey was careful of de're niggers and wouldn't let de drivers whip 'em much." "And these Cresswells today?" "Oh, dey're quality high-blooded folks dey'se lost some land and niggers, but, lordy, nuttin' can buy de Cresswells, dey naturally owns de world." "Are they honest and kind?" "Oh, yaas, ma'am dey'se good white folks." "Good white folk?"

There was the least little touch of pride in the last words. I blew in dere from Ioway in de days o' me youth an' innocence, an' I wuz grateful when dey boxed me fer N' York. You can't tell me anything about Kansas I don't wanter fergit. De Belt Line stables ain't no Hoffman House, but dey're Vanderbilts 'longside o' Kansas."

Dey're de t'ings you're to destroy. As I told you, it will all be fixed from de inside. Dere's no danger of a pinch. All you gotta do is crack de safe, put about a four or five t'ousand dollar roll in your pocket, and as you cross de river drop a handful of books and papers in. Nothin' to it it's the easiest graft you ever had." "You're sure dat's all?" asked the Lizard.

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