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Updated: August 12, 2024

I nebber did see sich a d d bug he kick and he bite ebery ting what cum near him. Massa Will cotch him fuss, but had for to let him go 'gin mighty quick, I tell you den was de time he must ha' got de bite. I didn't like de look ob de bug mouff, myself, nohow, so I wouldn't take hold ob him wid my finger, but I cotch him wid a piece ob paper dat I found.

He was probably very sorry at losing so much money." "I like Frank," said Freddie. "He let me, take hold of one of the elephant's tooths." "Oh, Freddie!" exclaimed Dinah. "It's a wonder he didn't cotch an' bite yo, honey lamb!" "Oh, I didn't take hold of one of his tooths away back in his mouth," explained Freddie, "it was the long tooth-pick tooth that stuck out under his nose."

"I dinks they have forgot me," Otto said himself, with a sigh; "I vish dot she would fro me a piece of dot, and see whedder she could hit mine nose; yaw Id just open mine mouth and cotch him on de fly." The lad had seated himself with his back against the side of the wigwam, and no one could have looked at his face and failed to know he was as hungry as one of his years could well be.

"Yes, they are off for San Antonio," replied Dan. And then he told of the adventure in the timber. "A painter!" gasped Pompey. "I declar' to gracious, Mars' Dan, yo' an' Mars' Ralph dun gittin' to be reg'lar hunters, he! he! I'se glad dat beast didn't cotch dis chile!" "I'm not anxious to hunt any more, at least for the present," said Ralph, soberly.

Chunk was stealing away with his plunder through the shrubbery in the rear of the house, when he was suddenly confronted by Zany. "Hi! you niggah!" she whispered, "I'se cotch you now kyarin' off nuff vittles ter keep you a mont. You gwinter run away." "You wan ter run wid me?" asked Chunk, unabashed. "What you took me fer?" "Fer better er wuss, w'ite folks say.

He then uttered the negro ejaculation "chah! chah!" and putting his arms a-kimbo, danced in a most extraordinary style to the music of a song, which he gave with great expression: "Oh hab you nebber heerd ob de battle ob Orleens, Where de dandy Yankee lads gave de Britishers de beans; Oh de Louisiana boys dey did it pretty slick, When dey cotch ole Packenham and rode him up a creek.

"Whar's de use ob jumpin'? Dem yere fellers'll soon be back, coz dey ain't agwine to cotch dat man nohow. He can run like a streak o' sunshine, and likes as not dey'll all get shot. You'd better go on and coax 'em to come back while I stay here and waits fur ye." In answer to this, Leslie heard some angry muttering and mumbling, but could distinguish no words.

"Come, oh! come," pleaded Sally; "fo' she cotch on." "And now," thought the doctor as she mounted her horse with Sally astride behind, "I'm going to bring your little girl home, Uncle Theodore, and take my chance and your chance with her!" Old Sally Taber sat in the full glow and warmth of an early October afternoon and looked about Sandy Morley's kitchen.

"Got scalp no hurt take prisoner jump on 'em, ten, two, six cotch 'em, then. Open eyes; you see." "And the Hurons do they seem inclined to accept the ransom? Rum, rifle, blanket and powder; you offered all, I hope, Susquesus?" "Sartain. No forget; that bad. Say take all that; some more, too." "And they have come to treat with us? What are we to do, now, Susquesus?"

And what's more, I tell you this: that if I cotch you two great chaps worriting the boy again, I'll take and leather you, both of you, and that's flat." "Try it, bandy-legs," said Vetch with a sneer. "We'll do as we please, and if you dare to lay a hand on either of us, I'll I'll " "What'll you do, then?" says Joe, who all this while had been spreading himself in front of me. "What'll you do then?

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