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'Haud your peace, gudeman, said Meg, looking sternly over her shoulder; 'is this a time or place for you to speak, think ye? 'But, my good friend, said Bertram, 'as I have no doubt in your good faith or kindness, which I have experienced, you should in return have some confidence in me; I wish to know where you are leading us. 'There's but ae answer to that, Henry Bertram, said the sibyl.

"Oh! here be the gentleman the captain's brocht hame!" he cried, emphasizing the two words; "as braw a gentleman as eer taen frae pirates, an' nae doubt sin to ae bien Buckskin bonnet-laird." I saw through his game of getting satisfaction out of John Paul thro' goading me, and determined he should have his fill of it. For, all in all, he had me mad enough to fight three times over.

"I," "and I," "and I," answered many a ready voice. "Aweel, since sae it is, and I can only sleep in ae barn at ance, I'll gae down with Saunders Mucklebackit he has aye a soup o' something comfortable about his begging and, bairns, I'll maybe live to put ilka ane o' ye in mind some ither night that ye hae promised me quarters and my awmous;" and away he went with the fisherman.

'I wull, she said, and would have risen; but he laid his hands on her head, and thus they remained for a time in silence. Then they rose, and went. They had gone about half-way to the farm before either spoke. Then Kirsty said, 'Francie, there's ae thing I maun beg o' ye, and but ane 'at ye winna desire me to tak the heid o' yer table.

"I sit on my creepie, and spin at my wheel, And I think on the laddie that lo'ed me sae weel; He had but ae sixpence, he brake it in twa, And gied me the hauf o' t when he gaed awa'. He said, think na lang lassie tho' I gang awa'. I'll come and see you in spite o' them a'" Logie O Buchan.

"O, if ye had spoken ae word," again sobbed Jeanie, "if I were free to swear that ye had said but ae word of how it stude wi' ye, they couldna hae touched your life this day." "Could they na?" said Effie, with something like awakened interest for life is dear even to those who feel it is a burden "Wha tauld ye that, Jeanie?"

E i te po matamua no taua umu ra e haere te mau tahua ora no te ao nei oia Tupua e te mau pipi i Pihaiho i taua umu r ae hio te mau varua taata no te po e haere ratou inia iho taavari ai; ia ore i puai te auahi.

'But it's against rule, sir; ye have committed nae malefaction. 'I'll break your head, said the sturdy Liddesdale man, 'if ye say ony mair about it, and that will be malefaction eneugh to entitle me to ae night's lodging wi' you, ony way. 'But I tell ye, Mr. Dinmont, reiterated the keeper, 'it's against rule, and I behoved to lose my post.

They never give a patient the least credit for common sense." "I dinna ken, my lord," said Malcolm doubtfully. After a few minutes' silence, during which Malcolm thought he had fallen asleep, the marquis resumed abruptly. "What do you mean by giving you a legal right?" he said. "There's some w'y o' makin' ae body guairdian till anither, sae 'at the law 'll uphaud him isna there, my lord?"

There was nae doubt, onyway, but that Mr. Soulis had been ower lang at the college. He was careful and troubled for mony things besides the ae thing needful. He had a feck o' books wi' him mair than had ever been seen before in a' that presbytery; and a sair wark the carrier had wi' them, for they were a' like to have smoored in the Deil's Hag between this and Kilmackerlie.