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I was naturaly indignant at Sis's words, which were not filial, to my mind, but I replied as sweetly as possable: "I shall not be in your way, Leila. I ask nothing but Food and Shelter, and that perhaps not for long." "Why? Do you intend to die?" she demanded. "I intend to work," I said. "It's more interesting than dieing, and will be a novelty in this House."

Well, I saw that I had gone to far, and was about to tell Jane the truth when I heard the sowing Woman in the hall. I had all I could do to get the things put away, and with Jane looking like death I had to stand there and be fitted for one of Sis's chiffon frocks, with the low neck filled in with net.

Hightower, untying her bonnet and taking off her shawl, "I let you know, here's what wouldn't be sot back by nothin' ef she had Sis's chances. In about the las' word pore maw spoke on 'er dying bed, she call me to 'er an' sez, se' she, 'Purithy Emma, se' she, 'you hol' your head high; don't you bat your eyes for to please none of 'em, se' she."

This conversation gave Teague fresh cause for anxiety. From his point of view, Sis's newly-developed humility was absolutely alarming, and it added to his uneasiness. He recognised in her tone a certain shyness which seemed to appeal to him for protection, and he was profoundly stirred by it without at all understanding it.

I did not have a chance to take Sis's pink hat, as she keeps her door locked now when not in her room. Which is rediculous, because I am not her tipe, and her things do not suit me very well anyhow. And I have never borowed anything but gloves and handkercheifs, except Maidie's dress and the hat.

Poteet remarked after it was all over, "They wer'n't a bobble frum beginnin' to en';" and when the wedding party started down the mountain in the early hours of the morning to take conveyances at Gullettsville for the railroad station, thirty miles away, Uncle Jake Norris was sober enough to stand squarely on his feet as he held Sis's hand. "Ez St. Paul says, I prophesy in perportion to my faith.

But she had roused me from my apathy, and I went into Sis's room, returning with a box of candy some one had sent her. "I must feel, Jane, or I cannot write." "Pooh! Loads of writers get fat on it. Why don't you try Comedy? It pays well." "Oh MONEY!" I said, in a disgusted tone. "Your FORTE, of course, is Love," she said. "Probably that's because you've had so much experience."

"I thought I'd jis look over sis's things, and get 'em straightened up. But I'm gwine, Mas'r George, gwine to have four dollars a week; and Missis is gwine to lay it all up, to buy back my old man agin!" "Whew!" said George, "here's a stroke of business, to be sure! How are you going?" "Tomorrow, wid Sam.

I unpacked the Suitcase as fast as I could, therfore, and being just about destracted, I bundled the things up and put them all together in the toy Closet, where all Sis's dolls and mine are, mine being mostly pretty badly gone, as I was always hard on dolls. How far removed were those Inocent Years when I played with dolls!

Puss asked no questions. She went and stood by Teague, and toyed gently with one of Sis's curls. "Sis don't take airter none er the Pringles," she said after a while, by way of explanation. "They hain't never bin a day when I couldn't look at Teague 'thout battin' my eyes, an' ma use to say she 'uz thes that away 'bout pap.