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Updated: December 3, 2024

Bad luck sign wuz a black kat crossin' yo' path in frunt ob yer. Ter ke'p frum havin' de bad luck yo' back up pas' whar hit crossed yer path en den spit an' yer hab no bad luck." "Dem air ships luk nice but dey ez spoke 'boud in de Holy Bible, dat sum day dere wud be flyin' things in de air'h an' I think dat dese things am it.

He reached out a great dirty hand to touch the beautiful whiteness of the girl's throat with a caressing movement, but instantly Buck's voice, sharp and commanding, stayed his action. "Quit that!" he cried. "Ke'p your durned hands to yourself," he added, with a strange hoarseness. Pete's eyes lit angrily. "Eh? What's amiss?" he demanded. "Guess I ain't no disease."

The horses are nearly foundered, and we may be miles and miles from our destination. What are you going to do?" "Ke'p goin' jest as long as the hosses ken ke'p foot to the ground. Guess we'll ease 'em at the bottom, here. It's nigh feed time. Say, ma'm, it ain't no use worritin'. We'll git som'eres sure. The sun's dead ahead." "What's the use of that?"

Say, some of them pore kiddies ain't had milk fer weeks, an' we only ke'p 'em alive thro' youse two fellers. Say," he went on, in a sudden burst of passion, "we got a right, same as other folk, to live, an' our kids has, an' our wimmin too.

But I got a wife an' nine kids back there in the mountains, an' I'm a-goin' to deputize you." The half-breed shot him a look of sudden alarm: "Non! Non! Better I lak' I ponch de cattle. You ke'p de nine wife an' de kid!" "You hain't got no more sense than a reservation Injun!" growled the deputy. "What I mean is, you got to help me make this here arrest!"

Beasley chuckled across at him, and the sound of his mirth infuriated Buck. He understood the laugh and the meaning underlying it. "Buck turned wet nurse," cried the ex-Churchman, as he beheld the sudden flush on the youngster's face. "You can ke'p your durned talk," Buck cried. "You Beasley and the lot of you," he went on recklessly. "She's no ord'nary gal; she's she's a lady."

You start this gorl-durned racket like a pack o' weak-headed fools, yearnin' to pitch away what's been chucked right into your fool laps jest fer one o' Blue Grass Pete's fat-head notions. Well, wot's doin'? I ask." "You ke'p that ugly map o' yours closed," cried Pete hotly. "You ain't bein' robbed any." "Guess I'll see to that," retorted Beasley, with a grin.

De pilgrim gon' ke'p on de run, 'cause he no lak' for git stretch for politick, an' you git mor' chance for make de play for de girl." "What do you mean?" The Texan's eyes flashed. "I just knocked the livin' hell out of one fellow for makin' a crack about that girl." "Oui, A'm know 'bout dat, too.

"Jest say you won't, an' I'll have the house turned sheer upside down 'fore you know wher' you are. There, jest think of it. You may need some un to ke'p that scallawag Buck in his place. How you goin' to set about him without me around? I ain't quittin' this day month, am I, miss ma'm?"

"Oui, A'm hear dat. She mak' me laugh lak' hell." "Laugh! I didn't see nothin' so damn hilarious in it. What do you think about Purdy?" "A'm tink dat dam' bad luck she no git keel." The half-breed paused and grinned: "De pilgrim she mak' de run for nuttin', an' you got to ke'p on lyin' an' lyin', an bye-m-bye you got so dam' mooch lies you git los'. So far, dat work out pret' good.

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