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"My leetle Hugo," she said, "dere's a good fellar. Try an' drink, jus' one bit. H'open mouth, dat way. Now you swallow, dere's good boy. An' now you try heem again, jus' one more spoon. H'it is awful good, from de big moose what Philippe he get. Jus' one more spoon an' I not bodder you no more." Whether Hugo understood or not no one could have told.

"Ho! that's your game is it?" snarled Cadge, gasping with indignation. "That's 'ow you two plot against a poor 'ard-workin' man with a family, to beat him out of 'is pay. H'it's a put-up job, that's wot h'it is! But you don't get the best of Tom Cadge that way. I'll 'ave a h'orficer 'ere if I don't get my money, you bloomin' old plotters, you!" "Yes, you had better call an officer," agreed Mr.

I told the Captain when she come aboard that I didn't 'ave much opinion of her, and now he'll see how it h'is. I'm h'ashamed that such a thing should 'appen on the 'Spartacus, ma'am, I h'am, h'indeed. H'it never would 'ave ben so h'under h'Eliza, ma'am, she's the one that went h'off and got herself married the trip before last, when this person came to take her place."

H'as h'I see it, there's gold in this land just h'as h'I said before, plenty of it. H'and this 'ere tribe, way west there some'ers; they's been driven there by the Roosians, er by other tribes. Mayhaps they's Roosian h'exiles themselves. 'Owever that may be, it's there, and h'I 'ates to think 'ow rich you h'and h'I'd be h'if h'it wasn't fer this 'ere crazy Doctor's achin' to see th' Pole."

Around the cleared dining-table the crowd of red-faced guests were seated, with Andy at the head playing the host in an awkward sort of way. On the table were spread a big map and paper and ink. "Well, Mr. Malden, this 'ere nugget came from the mine, you say. Bloomin' purty, hain't h'it, fellows?" said a voice. "Yes, gentlemen, I found that myself.

It took all the grace Job had to see the arrogant boor, with his two hundred and fifty avoirdupois, get Tony to help him mount Bess, and, poking her in the ribs, call out, "What a bloomin' 'orse! Cawn't h'it go!" and ride off toward Lookout Point. It was astonishing, the politeness Andrew Malden assumed; how he overlooked all the gruffness of his guest and treated him like a prince.

"Ma foi, but what now?" mused his mother, as she watched his little form sturdily trudging the track in the face of the wind; his head, with the rimless cap thrust close on the shock of black hair, bent low; his hands thrust deep in the bulging pockets. "A new live play-toy h'it may be," ventured the father; "he is one funny chil." The next day Titee was late for school.

But there's minerals, 'eaps of minerals, an' we'd all be rich men an' it wasn't for the bloomin' doctor." No channel to the shore having appeared, they were now making their way along the edge of the open water. Suddenly the old engineer started: "Did you see 'im?" he whispered. "What? Where?" Dave stared at the old man, thinking he had suddenly lost his head. "H'it was a man.

H'it dat-a-way, Mars' George, suh, h'it jess natch'ly dat-a-way in dishyere world day, night, mo' day. What de Bible say? Life, def, mo' life, suh. When we's daid we'll sho' find it dat-a-way." Cato at my bedside with basin, towel, and razor, a tub of water on the floor, and the sun shining on my chamber wall. These, and a stale taste on my tongue, greeted me as I awoke.

"She wrote such delightful stories," explained Katy; but the old verger shook his head. "I think h'it must be some other party, Miss, you've confused with this here. It stands to reason, Miss, that we'd have heard of 'em h'over 'ere in England sooner than you would h'over there in h'America, if the books 'ad been h'anything so h'extraordinary."