United States or Guatemala ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We hope to see public sentiment in these States so altered, that such of their laws, as uphold and countenance slavery, will be repealed so altered, that the present brutal treatment of the colored population in them will give place to a treatment dictated by justice, humanity, and brotherly and Christian love; so altered, that there will be thousands, where now there are not hundreds, to class the products of slave labor with other stolen goods, and to refuse to eat and to wear that, which is wet with the tears, and red with the blood of "the poor innocents," whose bondage is continued, because men are more concerned to buy what is cheap, than what is honestly acquired; so altered, that our Missionary and other religious Societies will remember, that God says: "I hate robbery for burnt-offering," and will forbear to send their agents after that plunder, which, as it is obtained at the sacrifice of the body and soul of the plundered, is infinitely more unfit, than the products of ordinary theft, to come into the Lord's treasury.

Chicago may be called the metropolis of American corn the favorite city haunt of the American Ceres. The goddess seats herself there amid the dust of her full barns, and proclaims herself a goddess ruling over things political and philosophical as well as agricultural. Not furrows only are in her thoughts, but free trade also and brotherly love.

A Servant presenting the prodigal with sumptuous apparel and a golden ring. The Elder Son. He has returned from the country, angry and resentful, and is astonished to see the prodigal. The Good Father goes to meet him and, calming his anger with soft words, exhorts him to become reconciled to his brother. He blesses them both and foretells peace, brotherly love and happiness.

Mr Proctor's thoughts, however, were mingled with a little offence. He had meant to be confidential and brotherly, and the occasion had been lost; and how was it possible to explain the rudeness with which Mr Wentworth had treated him? Gerald was still more seriously troubled. When Mr Proctor left him, he walked up and down Grange Lane in the quiet of the summer night, watching for his brother.

"They want us all to come; if you don't think it's too far to drive with the whole family, and I've been training the children all week to sing it looks like a good time." "We'll go!" cried Danny and Patsey, with one voice, and with brotherly unity prevailing for once.

"Nor won't if Asa has the say of it.... He's full as big as Abner, too. Otherwise they don't resemble twins none." "Hain't much brotherly feelin' betwixt 'em." "I hain't clear as to the rights of the matter," said Pliny, "but they hain't nothin' like a will dispute to make bad blood betwixt relatives.... Asa got the best of that argument, anyhow.

You shall find old bad habits die out in you, new good habits spring up in you; old meannesses become weaker, new nobleness and manfulness become stronger; the old, selfish, covetous, savage, cunning, cowardly, brutal Adam dying out, the new, loving, brotherly, civilised, wise, brave, manful Adam growing up in you, day by day, to perfection, till you are changed from grace to grace, and glory to glory into the likeness of the Lord of men.

First, God has given you the opportunity of showing forth an example of resignation. Poor Mr Holman visibly winced at this word. I could fancy how he had tossed aside such brotherly preachings in his happier moments; but now his whole system was unstrung, and 'resignation' seemed a term which presupposed that the dreaded misery of losing Phillis was inevitable.

"Well, you can forgive the brotherly frankness, if you don't like it. I don't think they're quite up to you." Lemuel gave a sort of start, which Berry interpreted in his own way. "Now, hold on! I know just how you feel. Been there myself. I have seen the time too when I thought any sort of girl was too good for Alonzo W., Jr. But I don't now. I think A. W., Jr., is good enough for the best.

"I have been very happy in thy brotherly love and friendship. It has been very sweet to me. Raymond, thou wilt not forget thy vow? Thou wilt ever be true to that higher life that we have spoken of so oft together?" Raymond's face was full of deep and steadfast purpose. "I will be faithful, I will be true," he answered. "God helping me, I will be true to the vow we have made together.