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Updated: January 9, 2025
Here Mr Proctor came forward from the middle of the room where he had been standing in a perplexed manner since the ladies went away. "Hold hold your tongue, sir!" said the late Rector; "haven't you done enough injury already " When he had said so much, he stopped as abruptly as he had begun, and seemed to recollect all at once that he had no title to interfere.
"Just five hundred dollars' worth of cream," whispered Matthew to me, with a whimsical look at the small and very ancient specimen of Americana. "It is a good thing that Senator Proctor has only Belle and let her have the six thousand cash for the Chauvenaise, and Bess wanted your little Royal in a hurry, though she got a bargain at that.
There war at that time two fellows down from the county Longford, in their neighborhood, of the name of Collier although that wasn't their right name they were here upon their keeping, for the murder of a proctor in their own part of the country.
"The fountainhead!" said the Rector, who began not unnaturally to lose his temper. "Are you aware, sir, that Wharfside is in my parish?" "And so is St Roque's, I suppose," said the Curate, affably. "I have no district, but I have my cure of souls all the same. As for Wharfside, the Rector of Carlingford never had had anything to do with it. Mr Bury and Mr Proctor made it over to me.
From this point of view the reader is advised to consult the writings of the late R.A. Proctor, who has brought to the task of interpreting the planetary conditions the skill of a well-trained astronomer and a remarkable constructive imagination.
Informed that Proctor and Tecumseh were flying eastward toward the Moravian town on the river Thames, or La Tranche, as the French called the stream, eighty miles from Detroit, the American forces, about thirty-five hundred strong, on October 2, 1813, began pursuit.
Trustee 1st Ward C. C. Rogers, Silas Merchant. 2d Ward H. G. Cleveland, Peter Diemer. 3d Ward Amos Townsend, Charles Coates. 4th Ward R. R. Herrick, Proctor Thayer. 5th Ward Nathan P. Payne, Thomas Purcell. 6th Ward John Huntington, W. P. Horton. 7th Ward George Angell, Horace Fuller. 8th Ward Patrick Carr, Patrick Smith. 9th Ward John Martin, L. L. M. Coe. 10th Ward John J. Weideman, Wm.
On condition of being protected from the Indians, he assured Colonel Proctor that the Americans would yield, and this assurance being given, General Winchester caused a flag of truce to be sent to his men, calling upon them to lay down their arms, which they were only too glad to do.
The guard was closely pressed by 1,500 of the enemy, under Generals McClure and Porter, from Fort George, but the guard managed to keep them in check and enabled Vincent and Proctor to effect a junction at the heights of Burlington. The rear guard halted at Stoney Creek, but the enemy refused to give battle.
Jane asked him twice to hand the butter before he heard. "He is thinking how much four times seven is," observed Mr. Proctor: and Hugh started at the words. "I tell you what, Hugh," continued his father; "if the Crofton people do not teach you how much four times seven is when you come within four weeks of next Christmas day, I shall give you up, and them too, for dunces all."
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