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Updated: January 22, 2025

The morning was similar, in all respects, to the morning of the Sabbath described above; the same serenity reigning everywhere the same quiet in the household movements, and the same tranquillity prevailing through the streets. We attended morning service at the Moravian chapel.

Her religious knowledge, notwithstanding the pious care of her Moravian instructors in Antigua, is still but very limited, and her views of christianity indistinct; but her profession, whatever it may have of imperfection, I am convinced, has nothing of insincerity.

He was bred among the Moravian brethren, and then sent to the University of Jena. Two years after his marriage to a young wife, Sophie von Kuhn, she died. That was in 1797. At the same time he lost a brother who was very dear to him. It was then four years before his own death that he wrote his "Hymns to Night."

At the morning service he will hear the Moravian Litany; in the Hymn-book he will find some hymns not found in other collections; but in other respects he would see nothing specially distinctive. Meanwhile, the Brethren have adopted new institutions.

Regularly every month, Fluellina, accompanied by her son, visited a Moravian missionary who dwelt with his family on the site of the once flourishing station of Gnadenhutten, where, in 1782, was enacted one of the darkest episodes in American history.

"Such extraordinary order and cleanliness seems almost like a matter of pride and show on the part of these humble people as if the inner purity of their souls must needs be manifested in this extreme, outward neatness," said the gentleman, laughing. "You are prejudiced against the Moravian character, I know, and yet there is so much that is good in them!" argued the lady.

And fifthly, on the sound principle that those who pay are entitled to a vote, he suggested that in future all members of the Church should have the right to send representatives to the General Directing Board or Conference. In this way he drew the outlines of the Moravian Church Constitution. Meanwhile, Count Zinzendorf's end was drawing near.

The Moravian missionary Schnell, preaching at South Branch, Virginia, to an audience of English, Germans, and Dutch, quite satisfied them all by discoursing from the text, "If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink." Although his principles forbade him to baptize the children which were brought to him, they "liked Brother Schnell very much," and desired him to remain with them.

For this decline there were three causes. The first was financial. At the very time when the Brethren in Ulster had obtained a firm hold upon the affections of the people the Moravian Church was passing through a financial crisis; and thus, when money would have been most useful, money was not to be had. The second was the bad system of management.

For all loyal Moravians the question now was whether the Moravian Church could stand the strain; and, in order to preserve the true spirit of unity, some Brethren at Gnadenfeld prepared and issued an "Appeal for United Prayer."

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