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"But everything's be'n tried from a sister come on a unexpected visit, to slippin' me five Cinnabar Joe tended to that one's case hisself, an' he done a good job, too. So you might's well save yer wind 'cause there ain't nothin' you can think up to say that'll fool me a little bit.

Wiley wuz one er dese yer shiny-eyed, double-headed little niggers, sha'p ez a steel trap, en sly ez de fox w'at keep out'n it. Dis yer Wiley had be'n pesterin' Dilsey 'fo' she come ter our plantation, en had nigh 'bout worried de life out'n her. She didn' keer nuffin fer 'im, but he pestered her so she ha' ter th'eaten ter tell her marster fer ter make Wiley let her 'lone.

He hain't be'n eddicated a great deal, but I wouldn't be afeard to warrant he'd make a racket in the world some of these days." "Jock Hallowell!" cried Cynthia, the gray beginning to dance, "I suppose you think Jethro's going to be President." "All right," said Jock, "you can laugh. Ever talked with Jethro?" "I've hardly spoken two words to him in my life," she replied.

It was the girl's great pride, and had been sedulously cared for. "What lovely hair! It has just the wave that yours lacks, mother." "Yes," was the regretful reply, "I've never be'n able to git that wave out. But her hair's be'n took good care of, an' there ain't nary gal in town that's got any finer." "Don't worry about the wave, mother.

"You have be'n doing er better than I expected." "Thank you, Judge," said Austen, quietly. "I don't mind saying that I would rather have your approbation than this more substantial recognition of merit." The Honourable Hilary's business was to deal with men, and by reason of his ability in so doing he had made a success in life.

It was true, he said, that Beaumarchais, bein' such a fool name, might 'a' be'n invented a-purpose for a fool family, but he wouldn't hold even with callin' 'em Boomsher; Crambry was well enough for'em an' a sight easier to speak. Stephen knew a good deal about the Crambrys, for he passed their so-called habitation in going to one of his wood-lots.

"It's the chance I be'n aimin' to make for myself," he mused, as he drew the grey smoke of a cigarette deep into his lungs, "to get Bat an' the pilgrim away an' I ride off and leave it." The cigarette was consumed and he rolled another. "Takin' a slant at himself from the inside, a man kind of gets a line on how damned ornery folks can get.

"'Dat's Rousseau, 'e says; 'Ain't nobuddy on dis ship big enough to put 'im on de tail end o' de line. "I size 'im up good w'ile we eats. He weigh 196, dey tells me, an' nobuddy be'n lucky 'nuff to lay 'im out. 'Cordin' t' ship rules, dey couldn't gang up on 'im. Cap'm mek ev'ybuddy fight single.

"But I have no errand with her," he objected, mystified yet excited by Euphrasia's manner. "She fetched Hilary home," said Euphrasia. "Yes." "She couldn't have be'n kinder if she was his own daughter." "I know " he began, but Euphrasia interrupted. "She sent that Englishman for the doctor, and waited to take the news to her father, and she came out in this kitchen and talked to me."

This was audacity and yet she liked it. "I am very fond of Moses," she said quickly. "You always was charitable, Cynthy," said he. "Haven't I been charitable to you?" she retorted. "G-guess it has be'n charity," said Jethro. He looked down at her solemnly, thoughtfully, no trace of anger in his face, turned, and without another word strode off in the direction of Coniston Flat.