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"Father will never forgive us for coming on this trip." "Let us hope for the best," was his brother's answer. "Dick has been in a tight fix before. He'll come out all right, if he has any show at all." "Nobuddy kin lib in sech a storm as dis!" put in Pop. "Why, it's 'most as bad as dat dar hurricane we 'perienced in Africa. Jest see how it's beginnin' to rain."

Robert Waite would he let you stay here?" Sylvia asked eagerly. "I reckon he would, Missy. But who's a-gwine to pay wages for a pickaninny like me? Nobuddy! Missy, I'se a-gwine to run off an' hide myself 'til the Yankee soldiers comes and sets us free," said Estralla. "You can't do that. But don't be frightened, Estralla. I have thought of something. I will hire you!

"An' Aun' Judy, dat ar piece ob pie ain't no 'count to nobuddy." "You kin hab it, chile," said Aunt Judy, rising, and taking from a shelf a large piece of cold apple pie, "an' bressed be de foots ob dem wot fotch good tidin's." Junius Keswick did not see Miss Roberta again that day, and early in the morning he borrowed one of the Midbranch horses, and rode away.

S'posed like nuff he was somebuddy's brother. Mout's well be your'n ez anybuddy's. I dunno who ye be. All I knows is that ye've been here fifteen minutes and now ye must leave. Don' keep me waitin, nuther. Thay ain' nobuddy tendin bar." "Don't make him mad, Perez, or else he won't let ye come again," whispered Reuben, who saw that his brother was on the point of some violent outburst.

"Then ye'll go down to Buffalo Center an' look out for the Bank. Walk right in as if ye owned it, jest like a reg'lar boy scout might do." "I can do that," agreed Glen. "But what's that got to do with it?" "It's got a plenty. When nobuddy ain't lookin' much you take a good look at a little winder that's clear in the back. You'll see it ain't got no bars over it like the other winders.

Nobuddy need know how things stood; they were married in my house I thought that 'u'd be best. You can't live without your girl," he went on, "any more 'n I could without my boy. You'd better" The figure at the table straightened up. Under his tufted eyebrows his keen gray eyes flashed from one to the other. His hands knotted.

She did not know where they were, but wherever it was she resolved to get Sylvia out of the vessel, and ran back to the cabin. "Now, don' you speak to nobuddy. Jes' keep right close to me," she whispered. And Sylvia obeyed. The two little girls crept up the cabin stairs, and crouching close to the side of the cabin made their way toward the stern of the vessel.

They were encased in brown velveteens much the worse for wear, and in shape resembled a couple of sticks with a crook at the knees. "I lost my sitiwation as gamekeeper to 'is Royal 'Ighness the Dook o' Duncy through bein' too 'onest," he went on with another wink. "'Orful pertikler, the Dook was, nobuddy was 'llowed to be 'onest wheer 'e was but 'imself! Lord love ye!

He come from the Hudson." "I never knew him till he came here," said Fabens. "But, you've got a clean conscience," said Troffater. "If I had that, I wouldn't lay wake o' nights, nor grow hatchet-faced a great 'eal. I see your cheeks don't fall in, and nobuddy would spose by your looks that you had a great grist o' trouble.

Now if you want to help us, your share will be a hundred dollars; but, remember, you say nothink to nobuddy." "I won't say anything," Glen promised, rashly. "If you do you'll be in as bad as anybuddy, so yer better not. If yer goin' to help, fust thing is to go back to camp an' git one o' them suits like they call scout suits." "I reckon I can borrow one," said Glen.