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It's all arranged to make trouble and break the law. It's the first real organized set-to we've had between the towns, and it'll be nasty. If the preelate doesn't dope them, there'll be pertikler hell to pay." He then gave the story of his visit to Monseigneur Lourde, and the details of what was going forward in Manitou so far as he had learned.

"Here's your fifteen bob; are you going to give me that watch and chain?" "Sartainly not," I ses. "I don't know wot you mean by a watch and chain. If I 'ad it and I gave it to anybody, I should give it to Sam's widder, not to you." "It's nothing to do with 'er," ses Joe, very quick. "Sam was most pertikler about that." "I expect you dreamt it all," I ses.

They were encased in brown velveteens much the worse for wear, and in shape resembled a couple of sticks with a crook at the knees. "I lost my sitiwation as gamekeeper to 'is Royal 'Ighness the Dook o' Duncy through bein' too 'onest," he went on with another wink. "'Orful pertikler, the Dook was, nobuddy was 'llowed to be 'onest wheer 'e was but 'imself! Lord love ye!

She wanted it for a "pertikler occasion" and if she had thought in time would have brought a "certain person" in to choose it.

"Any gold locket," said the skipper irritably; "anything you can think of; you needn't be pertikler. Arter that you can drop little hints about people being buried in mistake for others, so as to prepare her a bit I don't want to scare her." "Leave it to me," said the mate. "I'll go an' turn in now, I'm dead tired," said the skipper. "I s'pose Joe and the boy's asleep?"

With the instinct of terror he put the dog down noiselessly beside Looney on the carpet, drew quickly back, and stood rigid beside the door as it opened. "Hullo!" said the superintendent, "what are you doing here?" "Nothink, sir, only somethink," Alfred stammered. "What's the meaning of that?" said the superintendent. "I wanted to speak to that boy very pertikler, sir," said Alfred.

"Pertikler!" he cried, "why, that there bloke give me this 'ere!" Nothing evidently could have been more conclusive to Billy's mind. I felt almost jealous to find how much truer Jack's new friend was than his old one. "Was he here long this evening?" I asked, presently. "Yaas; he was jawing nigh on half a' hour, he was, while I gi'en him a shine.

It's all arranged to make trouble and break the law. It's the first real organized set-to we've had between the towns, and it'll be nasty. If the preelate doesn't dope them, there'll be pertikler hell to pay." He then gave the story of his visit to Monseigneur Lourde, and the details of what was going forward in Manitou so far as he had learned.

An' they bribes their poor silly voters wi' their drink till they'se like a flock o' sheep runnin' into wotever field o' politics their shepherds drives 'em. The best way to make the temp'rance cause pop'lar is to stop big brewin'. Let every ale'ouse 'ave its own pertikler brew, an' m'appen we'll git some o' the old-fashioned malt an' 'ops agin.

"The crooks that's what they call it " "Oh, the crux." Stone did not laugh. "Yessir if that's how you pronounce it. Guess I'll stick to plain English. Well, to my way of thinkin', the little joker in the case is that there raspberry jam. I'm a strong believer in raspberry jam on general principles, but in pertikler, I should say in this present case, raspberry jam will win the war! Don't eat it!"