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Updated: August 23, 2024

Forbye that, he would be in raither a hobble himsel', if he was to gang hame wantin' Faa. Folk are awfu' throng with their questions, and parteecularly when they're no wantit. 'That's a fac', said Candlish. I considered this prospect ruefully; and then making the best of it, 'Upon all which accounts, said I, 'the best will be to get across the border and there separate.

I'm thinkin', gin there be onything in 't ava ye ken I'm no sayin', for I dinna ken we maun jist lippen till him to dee dacent an' bonny, an' nae sic strange awfu' fash aboot it as some fowk wad mak a religion o' expeckin'. Ericson looked at Robert with admiration mingled with something akin to merriment. 'One would think it was your grandfather holding forth, Robert, he said.

He was sleeping quietly when the wind drove the snow against the window with a sudden "swish ;" and he instantly awoke, so to say, in his sleep. Some one needed him. "Are ye frae Glen Urtach?" and an unheard voice seemed to have answered him. "Worse is she, an' sufferin' awfu'; that's no lichtsome; ye did richt tae come.

"Then he must remain here and keep the house till we come back," said the Egyptian, and thereupon departed, with a friendly wave of her hand to the minister. "She's an awfu' lassie," Nanny said, apologetically, "but it'll just be the way she has been brought up." "She has been very good to you, Nanny." "She has; leastwise, she promises to be. Mr. Dishart, she's awa'; what if she doesna come back?"

As to Fortune, she was so amazed that she did not utter a word. "Go to sleep, Di," said Iris, in a voice of authority; "I am your little mother, and I wish you to go to sleep." "It's awfu' nice to be mothered again," said Diana. She opened her eyes languidly, fixed them on Iris, smiled once more, and then the thick lashes fell over the pale cheeks. In about five minutes she was sound asleep.

"That's why they pit on their blacks this mornin' afore it wes licht, and wrastled through the sna drifts at risk o' life. Drumtochty fouk canna say muckle, it's an awfu' peety, and they 'ill dae their best tae show naethin', but a' can read it a' in their een.

It was awfu'. An' it grew waur and waur, till the only comfort I had was that I cudna live lang. And wi' that the thocht o' God cam' into my heid, and it seemed as gin I had a richt, as it war, to call upon him-�I was sae miserable. "And there cam' ower me a quaietness, and like a warm breath o' spring air. I dinna ken what it was-�but it set me upo' my feet, and I startit to follow the lave.

'Maybe baith, if we could raise the cash. Nae doot the sawmill's the proper to begin wi', seein' yer toun's to be builded o' wood' 'For the present, observed Mr. Wynn; 'but there's plenty of limestone under that hardwood ridge. 'An' the finest water power in the township rinnin' a' to waste on top of it. Weel, noo, I'm glad that's settled; though 'twull be an awfu' expense first cost.

It was just awfu' lyin' there in the deid silence, waitin' and waitin' wi' never a soond tae break the monotony, except the heavy tickin' o' an auld clock somewhere doon the passage. First I would look doon the corridor in the one way, and syne I'd look doon in t'ither, but it aye seemed to me as though there was something coming up frae the side that I wasna lookin' at.

I aint what's called a very soft sort of man, but it seems a shame to deceive a little kid; only you manage it your own way, little missy." "I'll manage it my own way," echoed Diana. "I'm awfu' 'bliged." She tripped gayly out of the room. The next day, at an early hour, the different performers had a grand rehearsal of their parts. It was a dress rehearsal.

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