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"But, as it 'appens, a furlong this side of Ibbetson's you'll find the very place. Take Arthur Miles along with you. He'll be thankful for it, later on an' I'll loan you a cake o' soap." "Where the hazel bank is steepest, Where the shadow falls the deepest, Where the clustering nuts fall free, That's the way for Billy and me."

Some day he'll be through with Tom for good and all, and you'll see what 'appens to Thomas." Grinaldi's voice was hoarse with emotion; his brow was damp with perspiration. Casey was the only one who ate; he ate sullenly. "What beasts!" cried David, his fine nature in revolt. "Brad 'as got to this point in 'is love for drink and cards," said Joey. "He'll sacrifice anything for whiskey.

Blakeston, standing still, looked so angrily at her that she was afraid to. When she told Jim his face grew dark, and he said: 'Blast the woman! I'll give 'er wot for if she says anythin' ter you. 'Don't strike 'er, wotever 'appens, will yer, Jim? said Liza. 'She'd better tike care then! he answered, and he told her that lately his wife had been sulking, and not speaking to him.

"His lordship knows wot is due to me, and I knows wot is due to 'im therefore it 'appens we are able to ekally respect each other!" "If thou wert honorable, Thou would'st have told this tale for virtue, not For such an end thou seek'st; as base, as strange. Thou wrong'st a gentleman who is as far From thy report, as thou from honor." Cymbeline. Summer in Shakespeare Land!

Suddenly, edging closer to me, he spoke in a thick whisper. It sounded as though his mouth were full of wool. "Wot 'appens to yer when yer dead?" "If you're good you go to Heaven. If you're bad you go to Hell." "Long way off, both of 'em, ain't they?" "Yes. Millions of miles." "They can't come after yer? Can't fetch yer back again?" "No, never." The doorstep that we occupied was the last.

"Because this 'appens to be the day!" And Levy lay back in the bunk with the internal chuckle that I was beginning to know so well, but had little thought to hear from him in his present predicament. It galled me the more because I felt that Raffles would certainly not have heard it in my place.

I glanced at him with half-shut eyelids, then I broke off another piece of bread. "Maybe you didn't 'ear me?" he shouted again, "I said that was uncommon good beer." "I shall be better able to judge of that, my man, after I have tasted it," I replied. "Not that beer, little boy, you ain't going to taste that," he thundered, "because I 'appens to want it, see!

"Well, sir, the fust lootenant tells the chief buffer to 'ave the buoys bled, but it so 'appens that the doctor 'eard wot 'e said, so up 'e comes. 'Did I 'ear you tellin' the Chief Bos'un's Mate to 'ave the boys bled? he arsks. 'You did indeed, Sawbones, Number One tells 'im. 'But surely that's my bizness? sez the doctor. 'Your bizness! sez Number One, frownin' like.

You could see in men's faces that they knew they were "going west" on the morrow but it was a swan-song that could not paralyze the arm or daunt the heart of these young Greathearts, who intended that on this morrow they would do deeds that would make their mothers proud of them. "For if you 'as to die, As it sometimes 'appens, why, Far better die a 'ero than a skunk; A' doin' of yer bit."

I said to one of 'em, the other evening a man as calls 'isself a brass finisher, though, Lord knows, the only brass 'e ever finishes is what 'is poor wife earns and isn't quick enough to 'ide away from 'im well, whatever 'appens, I says, it will be clever of 'em if they take away much work from you. It made them all laugh, that did," added Mrs. Wilkins, with a touch of pardonable pride.