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An' Love must 'ave give an' take of Love, or else Love's got to die! Burn a lamp wivout oil, and see wot 'appens. It goes out! You're left in the dark!" Her homely gesture, illustrating the homely analogy, seemed to bring down blackness. Lynette hung speechless upon her fateful lips. " Then, like as not, you'll overturn the table gropin'. 'Smashed! you'll say, 'an' nobody but silly me to blyme!

I've spent nearly the whole day with my lawyer, and if anything 'appens to my old carcass it won't make any difference. I have left half my money to George; half of all I have is to be his." In the midst of an awed silence he went round and shook hands. "The other half," with his hand on the door "the other half and my best gold watch and chain I have left to my dear young pal, Charlie Hills.

"I doan' keer. I doan' keer what 'appens to mae. What wae did what wae did lies between him and mae." "Did he tell you he'd marry you, Essy?" Essy sobbed for answer. "He didn't? Is he going to marry you?" "'Tisn' likely 'e'll marry mae. An' I'll not force him." "You think, perhaps, it doesn't matter?" She shook her head in utter helplessness. "Come, make a clean breast of it."

I always used ter do thet myself when me an' your poor father 'ad words. 'Oh, I'm all over in a tremble, an' my 'ead, oo, my 'ead does feel bad! 'I know wot yer want, remarked Mrs. Kemp, nodding her head, 'an' it so 'appens as I've got the very thing with me. She pulled a medicine bottle out of her pocket, and taking out the cork smelt it.

Any'ow, the fust time she sees land again it'll be the lovely 'arbor of Pernambuco an' that's straight. 'Ere she is, an' 'ere she'll stop, an' the best thing you can do is spread the notion among the crew that she's runnin' away to avoid marryin' a man she doesn't like. That sounds reasonable, an' it 'appens to be true. Verity an' me talked it over last Sunday, p.m."

You'll see Sam Bullet agin, and you'll not on'y lose the watch and chain but your life as well." "All right," I ses, "and thank you kindly, but I've got an assistant, as it 'appens a man wot wants to see a ghost." "An' assistant?" ses Joe, staring. "An old soldier," I ses. "A man wot likes trouble and danger. His idea is to shoot the ghost and see wot 'appens." "Shoot!" ses Joe.

Anywheres between Warwick an' Birming'am a native can't 'ardly pass a canal-boat without wantin' to arsk, ''Oo stole the rabbit-skin? I don't know why they arsk it; but when it 'appens, you've got to fight the man or elst I must." "I would suggest that, you being the younger man " "Well, I don't mind," said Sam. "On'y the p'int is I don't scarcely never fight without attractin' notice.

It was a lady that give the lecture, and this boy said it was amazing what she told 'em about blood-pressure and things 'e didn't even know 'e 'ad. She showed 'em pictures, coloured pictures, of what 'appens inside the injudicious eater's stummick who doesn't chew his food, and it was like a battlefield!

A lusty voice hailed out of the darkness, and then Barrant was aware of somebody entering the wagonette, a large male body which plumped heavily on his knees as it started again. "Bed pardin, I'm sure. Aw dedn't knaw Crows had another passenger to-night." A husky voice spoke unseen. "'Taint often it 'appens."

She wondered if there were a kind of dreadful dog which made a specialty of eating fathers. "And did he never come back again?" she ventured to enquire, at last. "Not 'e. You never do, you know, if once you goes to the dogs. There ain't no wye back. I was wonderin', since we've been acquainted, kiddy, if your pa didn't go the sime road? It 'appens in all clarses."