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Brimberly, turning his whiskers full upon Spike, who immediately fell to shuffling and wringing at his cap. "Sir I will, certingly, sir." Now when the door had shut after his master, Mr. Brimberly raised eyes and hands to the ceiling and shook his head until his whiskers quivered. Quoth he: "Hall I arsks is wot next!"

'Is pal got sniped an' Fritzie took 'is shoes. They're awrful short o' shoes. Kippers, 'e s'ys, 'I'll not l'y down me rifle till I plunk a German and get 'is shoes. Two d'ys arfter 'e comes crawlin' back through No Man's Land and the color sergeant arsks 'im did 'e carry out 'is resolootion.

He's always right in there wangling for his own. He will bully and browbeat if he can, and he will coax and cajole if he can't. It would be "Hi sye, corporal. They's ten men in Number 2 section and fourteen in ourn. An' blimme if you hain't guv 'em four loaves, same as ourn. Is it right, I arsks yer? Is it?" Or, "Lookee! Do yer call that a loaf o' bread? Gimme another, will yer, corporal?"

'Scroggins, 'e sez, ''ave all o' them there buoys wot I wus talkin' abart in the sick bay by eleven o'clock punctual. Scroggins seems a bit startled. 'In the sick bay, sir? 'e arsks. 'Yus, sez Number One, grinnin' to 'isself and winkin' at the chief buffer. 'In the sick bay by six bells sharp. 'Werry good, sir, sez Scroggins, tumblin' to wot wus up, 'cos 'e saw the doctor standin' there.

"What, in case the ship is torpedoed or sunk by a mine?" I asked innocently, very perplexed. "I'm a medical man myself; but I never knew that bleeding people made them more buoyant!" "If you arsks me these 'ere questions, sir, I carn't spin no yarn," the sailor interrupted with a twinkle in his eye.

"You're a white man," responded Tilda, "though you don't look it; but there ain't goin' to be no trouble, not if I can 'elp. If anyone arsks questions, you han't seen us, mind." "Fur nor feather of ye," he repeated.

My sister-in-law's brother nice young chap 'e was too fell in with a girl that wasn't the right one fer 'im no clarss like, but 'e wouldn't 'ear a word agen 'er. So my sister-in-law thinks of a plan. She arsks both 'er brother an' the young woman 'e was courtin' to go and spend their 'olidays with 'er at the seaside.

"Well, sir, the fust lootenant tells the chief buffer to 'ave the buoys bled, but it so 'appens that the doctor 'eard wot 'e said, so up 'e comes. 'Did I 'ear you tellin' the Chief Bos'un's Mate to 'ave the boys bled? he arsks. 'You did indeed, Sawbones, Number One tells 'im. 'But surely that's my bizness? sez the doctor. 'Your bizness! sez Number One, frownin' like.

"An' ses she to me, she ses," went on the girl, indifferent to her grandmother's interruption, "'Get me some paper an' a pencil, an' I'll write a note to 'im, I will. So I goes an' gits 'er what she arsks fur out of gran's box." "Stole it, cuss ye," shrieked the old hag, shaking her fist. "Hold your tongue," said Kilsip, in a peremptory tone.

"I dunno as we're actin' like cowyards, Sir; but just look at 'im," and he pointed at Plummer, who still stood full in the light from the Saloon doorway. "What sort of a Thing is it 'as done that, Sir?" he went on. "An' then yer arsks us ter go up agen! It aren't likely as we're in a 'urry."