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In front of him was the pallid figure of Charles, and he saw that the man in gaiters held Charles kindly but firmly by the arm. "It's blasted rot," Charles was saying, "getting up a fight just for a thing like that; all very well for 'im. 'E's got 'is 'olidays; 'e 'asn't no blessed dinner to take up to-morrow night like I 'ave. No need to numb my arm, IS there?"

He did not once look back. "That's the end of THAT game!" said Bert. "No more teuf-teuf-teuf for Bert Smallways for a year or two. Good-bye 'olidays!... Oh! I ought to 'ave sold the blasted thing when I had a chance three years ago." The next morning found the firm of Grubb & Smallways in a state of profound despondency.

My brother says 'e's going to paint them sort when 'e gets them colours what you squeezes out of tubes; you know, like them ladies' tormenters, same as you gets on Bank 'olidays on 'Ampstead 'Eath." "Oh, is it," she said; "come along, Halbert." Then, turning to me, she added "Are yer comin' to-morrer? I'd like yer to see my brother's paintin's."

They discussed their route over his sixpenny county map for the sake of talking, but avoided a decision in the presence of the attendant. The five-pound note was changed for the bill, and through Hoopdriver's determination to be quite the gentleman, the waiter and chambermaid got half a crown each and the ostler a florin. "'Olidays," said the ostler to himself, without gratitude.

My sister-in-law's brother nice young chap 'e was too fell in with a girl that wasn't the right one fer 'im no clarss like, but 'e wouldn't 'ear a word agen 'er. So my sister-in-law thinks of a plan. She arsks both 'er brother an' the young woman 'e was courtin' to go and spend their 'olidays with 'er at the seaside.

Well, I says to meself, after shutting meself up to think it out, like you said, 'ere am I giving up all my life an' all my jolly days an' 'olidays, an' I'm damned if I know what for. For money, just money stewin' in its own juice in a bank, not money I can use.

Well, I 'ad three days before me left of my 'olidays, so there wasn't no hurry, so I covered it up and went on digging, and tried to puzzle out 'ow I was to make sure of it. Only I couldn't. "I thought," said Mr. Brisher, "AND I thought.

You ought to 'a' seen 'im, you blokes! Wasn't 'e a-lettin' 'em 'ave it!" Another man hobbled past on one foot, supporting himself against the side of the trench. "Got a Blightey one," he said gleefully. "So long you lads! I'll be with you again arter the 'olidays."

The question was unoriginal and obvious; but the newsboy showed imagination at his second effort, which was the opening line of an old music-hall chorus: "Sidney's 'olidays er in Septembah!" Marmaduke called at another shop and chose the stiffest hat he could find.

Lemme make you one. You see, I'd 'elped my brother make a rockery in the beer garden be'ind 'is tap, so I knew 'ow to do it to rights. 'Lemme make you one, I says. 'It's 'olidays, but I'm that sort of chap, I 'ate doing nothing, I says. 'I'll make you one to rights. And the long and the short of it was, he said I might. "And that's 'ow I come on the treasure." "What treasure?" I asked.