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The husband of Pesaro's chere amie, the Marchese Vivaldi, when Cagliostro was arrested and sent to the Castello Santo Angelo at Rome, was obliged to fly his country, and went to Venice, where he was kept secreted and maintained by the Marquis Solari, and it was only through his means and those of the Cardinal Consalvi, then known only as the musical Abbe Consalvi, from his great attachment to the immortal Cimarosa, that Vivaldi was ever allowed to return to his native country; but Consalvi, who was the friend of Vivaldi, feeling with the Marquis Solari much interested for his situation, they together contrived to convince Pius VI. that he was more to be pitied than blamed, and thus obtained his recall.

And your foot's bare. Here, tell me what has happened?" She could only sob brokenly, her strength almost gone. "That terrible old man! He did it. He's hiding to shoot you." De Launay's hand had run over her thick mane of hair and he felt her wince. He recognized the great bump on the skull. "Death of a dog!" he swore in French. "Mon amie, is it this old devil who has injured you?"

"Come, Gainor," she cried, seeing us; "help me to shell my peas. Thou shalt have some. They are come in a ship from the Bermudas. What a pretty pale green the pods are! I should like an apron of that colour." "I have the very thing, dear. Shall it be the minuet pattern, or plain?" "Oh, plain. Am I not a Friend? Une Amie? Ciel! but it is droll in French.

She consulted Madame Remusat, who, in her turn, consulted her friend De Segur, who also consulted his bonne amie, Madame de Montbrune. This lady determined that if Bonaparte and his wife were desirous to be served, or waited on, by persons above them by ancestry and honour, they should pay liberally for such sacrifices.

She is either the wife or the chere amie of a colonel in the Brandenburgers, I could not make out which. Luckily the gallant "Cockchafer" is at the moment on the La Bassee sector, where I was interested to observe that heavy fighting has broken out to-day. I must console the fair Zoe! Both Karl and Adolf got rather drunk, Adolf hopelessly so, but I, as usual, was hardly affected.

Then came a confused blur of superimposed ground-patterns, and at the last five results blank as the brain of a flapper. A jamb in the upper changing-box had led to five exposures on the one plate. As you know, mon amie, I am a fool. But I do not like to be reminded of the self-evident fact.

"But if it does please me, mon camarade " "Dieu! How sweet you are! But don't call me 'Camarade, mon petit. Those wolves above call each other that!" "I won't, if you hate it. Yes, that's really love to give all and take nothing." Arithelli spoke dreamily. "Emile made me sing to him before he went away; you remember 'L'Adieu' of Schubert? He loved it. "La mort est une amie, Qui rend la liberté."

An expression of fussiness came into his sleepy face. He spoke at once to the landlady, a tall, thick-set woman of forty with very dark hair and a slight moustache, and explained that he required the whole room for himself, and that the door was to be shut and no one else was to be admitted, "parce que nous avons a parler. Oui, fai beaucoup a vous dire, chere amie.

Je vais tout faire, malgre cela, pour aller vous voir un instant au'jourd'hui, mais je ne suis pas certain d'y parvenir. Remerciez votre amie Madelon et dites-lui bien qu'elle non plus ne me doit absolument rien. J'aime mieux un tout petit peu de la plus legere gratitude que n'importe quoi.

It was in the Paris papers, under the heading: Une amie d'outre Manche I think that was it? he asked Nataly. 'I forget, said she. He glanced at her: a cloud had risen. He rallied her, spoke of the old Norman silver cross which the manager of the Concert had sent, humbly imploring her to accept the small memento of his gratitude. She nodded an excellent artificial brightness.