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'I'm glad on 't, said Sylvia; 'it's t' best news I've heered for many a day, he, to turn again' feyther, who gave him money fo t' get a lodging that night, when he'd no place to go to. It were his evidence as hung feyther; and he's rightly punished for it now. 'For a' that, and he's done a vast o' wrong beside, he's dying now, Sylvie! 'Well! let him die it's t' best thing he could do!

We wos a-thinkin' of crackin' another crib next week as yer might ha' heered ov in yer time well, to bust out with it straight and candid, it's yer own crib as used to be w'en yer wos alive; but, yer see, bein' as how ye're dead now and it ain't o' no more good to yer there's a nice little lot of old plate as you've got there as we sho'd be proud to 'andle. The on'y thing is "

The sick convict's eyes, between their festering lids, fixed on the warden's face and a sudden light flickered in their pale, glazed shallows; but he didn't speak. There was a little pause. "I said the governor has given you a pardon," repeated the warden, staring hard at him. "I heered you the fust time," croaked the prisoner in his eaten-out voice. "When kin I go?"

His manner was precisely that of a man who removes a chair which obstructs his path. "Stranger," said the titanic fellow in a pleasantly drawling intonation, "I think I heered ye say ye wanted ther landlord. Ef ye'll come with me I'll find him fer ye. A decent feller wouldn't hardly relish this company nohow."

"Yes," said I, gulping down some unworthy emotions of my own; "yes, indeed." "Come down to see ef ye wouldn't like t' go up t' the Point with us, t' git a nail put in the hoss's shu-u?" "Oh, yes, thank you! by all means," I replied. "My woman heered poo! poo! she heered 't there was goin' to be a show up thar' to-night some play-actor folks.

"While you've been off your head." "Oh, Samson!" "Well, sir, that's better than your head being off you." "Then you are sure I did my duty?" "Duty, sir? Yes; that's what I was going to tell you. The big six-foot sergeant who fetched you off your horse with a great cut of his heavy sword was up here yesterday to see you; and I heered him say to himself, `Poor boy!

And God will bear me true, it was the very night they brought my grandson home that, lyin' down to rest a while from watchin' with the rest, nor ever wonderin' nor layin' it to mind what I had dreamed afore, but tired and heart-broke only, I seen the long, bright shinin' track ag'in, a pourin' through the window; and 'My son's son! I cries, 'dear boy! dear boy! for it was like him playin' on his violin 'What tunes must be, I cries, 'that you play so and scarce a day in heaven! But when I ris up, callin', it grew dim along the track, and there was mornin' in the room, and then I heered them cryin' where they watched.

He's got a sheep-farm on the other side o' the mountain, and he's a livin' there. That's what I heered, at any rate. But he don't live on this road any more," he continued, turning to us. "He used to keep tavern on this road, and the stages did used to stop fur supper or else dinner, I don't jist ree-collect which. But he don't keep tavern on this road no more."

Ef that's the man, I've heered he was the son of some big preacher in the States, and a college sharp to boot, who ran wild in 'Frisco, and played himself for all he was worth. They're the wust kind to kick when they once get a foot over the traces. For stiddy, comf'ble kempany," added Bill reflectively, "give me the son of a man that was hanged!" "But what are you going to do about this?"

The man walked slowly about the deck, carefully examining every thing he saw, and acting altogether like a backwoodsman who had never seen a gun-boat before. Finally, he said: "I've heered as how all these 'ere boats hev got hot water; has yourn?" "Oh, yes, we've got plenty of hot water, but it takes an hour to screw the hose on, so that we can use it."