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Updated: November 19, 2024
With all this were mingled hints of her old superstition, forebodings of something fearful about to happen, perhaps the great final catastrophe of all things, according to the prediction current in the kitchens of Rockland. "Hark!" Old Sophy would say, "don' you hear th' crackin' 'n' th' snappin' up in Th' Mountain, 'n' th' rollin' o' th' big stones?
That land that is polluted with slavery, that land where the boastin' and crackin' of freemen pile up the agony pangs on the corroding wounds inflicted by the iron chains of the slave, until natur can't stand it no more; my heart bleeds like a stuck critter, when I think of this plague spot on the body politic.
"The luntin' pipe an' sneeshin' mill, Are handed round wi' richt guid will; The canty auld folks crackin' crouse, The young anes rantin' through the house My heart has been sae fain to see them That I for joy hae barkit wi' them." It was this ardent power of sympathy that was fatal to so many women, and, through Jean Armour, to himself at last.
Wan av us'll pass the wurrd to the room an' we shtart the divil an' all av a shine laughin' an' crackin' on an' t'rowin' our boots about.
"I declar', Susan, I didn't mean to rile you," urged Tom, breaking in upon the flow of words with an appealing effort to divert its course. "I was merely crackin' a joke with Mr. Christopher, you know." "I'm plum sick of these here jokes that's got to have a woman on the p'int of 'em," returned Mrs. Spade, tightly screwing on the top of the glass jar.
The minute I've done me taties it's down in the laundry Oi'm goin', an' Oi'll not bother ye at all; but here, take this schmall, little candle wid ye whan ye go in, fer it's that dhark ye'll not see yer hand forninst ye," and she caught up a candle from the shelf. "No, no! I don't want any light; the darker it is the better." "It's crackin' yer head aff ye'll be."
"It's lucky they did." But, say, take it from me, his days of crackin' the whip around that joint are over. I'm beginnin' to believe too how some of that dope I fed to Herbert must have been straight goods. Vee insists on talkin' it over later, as we are camped in one of them swing seats out on the veranda. "Wasn't he just splendid," says she: "standing up to Mr. Pulsifer that way, you know?"
"Well, when they were gathered there according to orders, they looked streaked enough you may depend, thinkin' they were going to get it all round, and the wenches they fell to a-cryin', wringin' their hands, and boo-hooing like mad. Lavender was there with his cowskin, grinnin' like a chessy cat, and crackin' it about, ready for business.
There was a big meetin' i' the washin'-hoose nae farrer gane than lest nicht; an' efter a fell while's crackin', Bandy startit to speak aboot mismirizin' an' phrenology, an' that kind o' thing. Bandy tell'd aboot some o' his exploits mismirizin' sailors, an' took on to show aff his po'ers on Sandy.
And then the Wolf spoke from the doorway in a hoarse whisper, and in the whisper there was a low, taunting laugh. "I been waitin' for you to try the window, but you're too foxy eh? All right, my bucko then I'll get you another way with just one shot, see? And then good-night! And say, whoever t'hell you are, thanks for crackin' the box for me!"
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