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Fenellan observed: 'You might have credited him with the finished sculpture. 'They're ahead of us in sticking at the charge of wit. 'They've a widening of their swallow since Versailles. 'Manners? 'Well, that's a tight cravat for the Teutonic thrapple! But he's off by himself to loosen it. Victor came on the couple testily. 'What are you two concocting! I say, do keep the peace, please.

By degrees the human tones predominated; but the angry bark of the cur being at the instant changed into a howl, it is probable something more than fair strength of lungs had contributed to the ascendency. 'Sorrow be in your thrapple then! these were the first articulate words, 'will ye no let me hear what the man wants, wi' your yaffing? 'Am I far from Kippletringan, good dame?

A paisant saves a mon's life for the same reason that a hero or a footpad cuts his thrapple: an' a pheelosopher delevers a mon frae a preson, for the same reason that a tailor or a prime meenester puts him into it: because it is conformable to his ain parteecular feelings o' the moral an' poleetical fetness o' things. Squire Headlong. Wake the Reverend Doctor. Doctor, the bottle stands with you.

"You mistake, sir. I say that Marion Hope, my wife's sister, is still foolish enough to like him." "Your wife's sister! You didna marry Chatterton's sweetheart?" "No, sir her elder sister." "Oh, lord, if I had my fingers round the thrapple o' that leein' scoundrel on the tap of the coach! Gie me your hand, Captain Smith it's all a mistake. I'll set it right in two minutes.

For God's sake, for yer mither's sake, for ony sake, dinna lat a drap o' the hell-broth gang ower yer thrapple or ye're damned like me for ever and ever. It's as guid's signin' awa' yer sowl wi' yer ain han' and yer ain blude." Mr Cupples lifted his glass, emptied it, and, setting it down on the table with a gesture of hatred, proceeded to fill it yet again.

"I'll tear the thrapple oot o' you, you dirty swine!" he squealed, as he tugged at Black Jock's throat. Mr. Rundell and a couple of laborers soon pulled Sanny up, though he struggled to maintain his hold upon the throat of his adversary. "Let me at him," he yelled, striving to get free. "Let me at him, an' I'll save the hangman a guid lot o' bother stretchin' his dirty neck! Oh, you swine!

Sturdy black and hairy scamps the Irish never German boor so inelegant but venomous in their courage! Score upon score of them ran in on us through the Arches. Our lads had but one shot from the muskets, then into them with the dirk and sword. "Montrose! Montrose!" cried the enemy, even when the blood glucked at the thrapple, and they twisted to the pain of the knife.

All I ken is that I thought the voice fair-spoken, and I alloo it was a daft-like thing to do, but I pu'ed the bar, I had nae sooner dune't nor I was gripped by the thrapple and kep' doon by a couple o' the blackguards that held me a' the time the ither three or four were " Doom caught him by the collar and shook him angrily. "Ye lie, ye Fife cat; I see't in your face!"

"For God's sake, minister," continued the soutar, "gien ye hae ony sic thing upo yer min', hurry and oot wi' 't! I dinna say to me, but to somebody to onybody! Mak a clean breist o' 't, afore the Adversary has ye again by the thrapple!"

I have heard wives flyte in England and Scotland it's nae marvel to hear them flyte ony gate; but sic ill-scrapit tongues as thae Highland carlines' and sic grewsome wishes, that men should be slaughtered like sheep and that they may lapper their hands to the elbows in their heart's blude and that they suld dee the death of Walter Cuming of Guiyock,* wha hadna as muckle o' him left thegither as would supper a messan-dog sic awsome language as that I ne'er heard out o' a human thrapple; and, unless the deil wad rise amang them to gie them a lesson, I thinkna that their talent at cursing could be amended.