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And so it proved, for that night McGilp himself was rowed ashore, and his eyes were red as a rabbit's wi' the lashing o' the sea, and the white salt was dried on his beard. With him was McNeilage, his mate, his face red and shining like a well-fed minister, and the drink to his thrapple. "A great night last night," said he.

Cuthbert has been over to that weary Paris, and once a man goes there, he leaves his truth and honour behind him, and ye kenna whether he be serving you, or Queen Elizabeth, or the deil himsel'. I wish I could stop that loon's thrapple, or else wot how much he kens anent our Lady Bride." "Yonder woman came to tell this young lady's fortune," said Sir Ralf, a few days later.

It is said that on one occasion he managed even to give the slip to Claverhouse himself, which, you know, is not easy." "That may be, sir, but he'll no slip through my fingers gin I ance git a grup o' his thrapple," said the swarthy man, with a revengeful look.

Man, it's the stink o' thae corps that I canna get oot o' my nose an' thrapple." Hereupon Sutherland, by way of entertaining his invalid friend, launched out into a graphic account of the scene he had so recently witnessed at McNeill's zereba. When that subject was exhausted, he arranged his writing materials and began with all the solemnity of a lawyer.

Rashleigh and I stared in silence at this unexpected intruder, who proceeded to exhort us alternately: "Do you, Maister Francis, opine that ye will re-establish your father's credit by cutting your kinsman's thrapple, or getting your ain sneckit instead thereof in the College-yards of Glasgow?

"Wal, then; that ur's a desprit weepun, for them as knows how to use it; an' he diz; that Injun diz. T'other had a hatchet, too, but he didn't keep it long. 'Twur clinked out o' his hands in a minnit, an' then the Coco got a down blow at him. Wagh! it wur a down blow, an' it wa'n't nuthin' else. It split the niggur's head clur down to the thrapple.

By degrees the human tones predominated; but the angry bark of the cur being at the instant changed into a howl, it is probable something more than fair strength of lungs had contributed to the ascendency. 'Sorrow be in your thrapple then! these were the first articulate words, 'will ye no let me hear what the man wants, wi' your yaffing? 'Am I far from Kippletringan, good dame?

"The deil be in my feet," said Andrew, without either having respect to the presence in which he stood, or waiting till I replied "the deil be in my feet, if I gang my tae's length. Do the folk think I hae another thrapple in my pouch after John Highlandman's sneeked this ane wi' his joctaleg? or that I can dive doun at the tae side of a Highland loch and rise at the tother, like a shell-drake?

But ony lad i' the mason-trade micht ding me at liftin' noo; for I'm stiff i' the back, and my airm's jist reid-het whiles wi' the rheumateeze; and gin I lift onything by ordinar', it gars me host like a cat wi' the backbane o' a herrin' in her thrapple. Ye'll be gaun back to Robert Bruce or lang, I'm thinkin'." "I dinna ken. The mistress has said naething aboot it yet.

If the craven Dutchman chose to sneak off and go in search of a ransom, forsooth, he would lie at the foot of the castle till he had burrowed through the walls or found a way over the battlements. 'Ay, said Douglas of Harside drily, 'or till the Baron sticks you in the thrapple, or his next neighbour throws you into his dungeon.