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It isn't mine." Sogrange was amused. His smile, however, was hidden. Only the tip of his cigarette was visible. "Anything else?" "Nothing much, except that I am always seasick," Peter replied deliberately. "I can feel it coming on now. I wish that fellow would keep away with his beastly mutton broth. The whole ship seems to smell of it." Sogrange laughed, softly but without disguise.

We soon laughed her out of that, though, and now, to relieve you of her company, we are carrying her away with us which will be lots of fun, for she's as fond of water as a cat and will fancy she is seasick all the time. "Good-bye, dearest! We're just off. I envy you. You happy, happy girl! I am sure you will have such a good time. What a man! As natural as nature!

The Arrow was left becalmed and drifting on the heavy swells of the Gulf; but her crew, excited by the prospect of encountering freebooters of the main, forgot to be seasick, even if they had been so inclined, and fell to preparing their noonday meal. Vinton tilted his cap over his left eye and surveyed the trim Arrow with frank satisfaction, at the conclusion of their repast.

When the time at last came, we boarded our steamship, and hung over the rail, and cheered like crazy things. I personally felt as though a lid had been lifted from my spirit, and that a rolling cloud of enthusiasm was at last allowed to puff out to fill my heaven. In two days we were both over being seasick, and had a chance to look around us.

"Fernandez, one of those young Guaymas swells, says the mother was own sister to De la Cruz married against his wishes when she was a mere girl died a few years later, and that Don Ramon offered to adopt and educate her little girl, but only lately would the Escalantes give her up. All I know is that she's too damned miserable about something else to be even seasick like the rest of 'em.

Nothing happened. I even slept." "You were very brave." "I was very seasick." "I am sorry." Henri took a turn up and down the room. "But," said Sara Lee slowly, "I I can't be on your hands, you know. You must have many things to do. If you are going to have to order my meals and all that, I'm going to be a dreadful burden." "But you will learn very quickly." "I'm stupid about languages."

"Can you tell me what time it is?" "About twelve o'clock. Do you feel hungry?" "N not very," returned Dodger, as a ghastly expression came over his face, and he tumbled back into his berth, looking very pale. The steward smiled. "I see how it is," he said; "you are getting initiated." "What's that?" muttered Dodger, feebly. "You're going to be seasick.

"There, there," said Miriam Lake, who was playing Jennie Holiday; "my poor little kitty is just as seasick! Her head keeps going round and round." "My head has did it too," chimed in Katie, rolling herself into a ball; "it keeps yocking yound and yound." "I pitch about so in my berth," said Octavia, who was Rollo, "that next thing I shall be out on the floor. Hark! How the water is pouring in!

He would have been no longer in any doubt as to whether it was anything worth printing had he read the Enterprise of the following day, when the letter appeared on the second page as one of the chief features of the paper. Before leaving, too, Archie sent a long, cheerful letter home, saying nothing of his being seasick on board the liner, or of his having had to work so hard.

It would require an ingeniously bad sailor to be seasick while a Dutch cargo boat crept up the Thames in a fog, but Julia never spared the trimmings when she did do any lying. Johnny was quite satisfied and let her go to take off her hat and the precious explosive which she still carried in it. While she was gone he tidied the room to the best of his ability.