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Don't be too political with the men: work in plenty of anecdotes about your swell relations." I replied that I could confidently promise geniality, except if seasick: but Sir Marcus implored me at all costs not to be seasick. That was the one thing I must not be.

If somebody had put a Bible on my chest and held it there I would cheerfully have laid my right hand on it and taken a solemn oath that I was seasick. Indeed,I believed I was so seasick that I feared hoped, rather I might never recover from it. All I desired at the moment was to get it over with as quickly and as neatly as possible.

"We went by water from Naples to Leghorn, and were gloriously seasick, all of us. From Leghorn we went to Florence, where we abode two weeks nearly.

Coulson concluded, "which kind of takes hold of you if you've ever even shaken hands with either of the parties concerned in it." "Did you see much of the poor fellow during the voyage?" Sir Charles asked. "No, nor any one else," Mr. Coulson replied. "I don't think he was seasick, but he was miserably unsociable, and he seldom left his cabin.

She shook her head. "My people," she said, "are a very long way away." "Your maid, then," he suggested. "Useless creatures maids, at a time like this. They are nearly always seasick, especially the first day out." Again she shook her head. "I am travelling quite alone," she said. He looked at her in astonishment. "Alone!" he repeated. "Why, you seem to me much too young.

When I get to thinkin' of that v'yage I simmer inside, like a teakettle on a hot stove. The second day out seasick and homesick and so miserable I wished I could die all at once instead of by lingerin' spasms I dropped a dish on the cabin floor and broke it.

Norton; but I can't afford to be classed with her, therefore I joined Ellaline in exclaiming that the bridge was glorious. I suppose it is fine, if one could only look without fear of being seasick. We stopped all night in Clifton, in which Miss Lethbridge was interested, largely because of "Evelina," who stopped at the Hot Wells, in the "most romantic part of the story."

Josiah wuz seasick some, but not nigh so bad as he thought, and Tommy kept well and happy all the time, and wonnered and wonnered at everything and seemed to take comfort in it, and he would set in his little chair on deck and talk to Carabi for hours, and I d'no whether Carabi wuz enjoyin' the trip or not; I didn't seem to have any way of knowin'. One day Tommy and I wuz lookin' off on the broad blue waters and we see approachin' what looked like a boat with its tiny sail set.

"Don't you think he is seasick?" "It is not likely. Seasickness is akin, you know, to that dizzy feeling some people have when at a height. The natural instincts of the animal prevent him from having any feeling of discomfort at a height.

"That's a hard case," he said; "I know all about it, for I've been in that boat myself. My wife died just as I was going to sail for this country, and I had to bring over the two babies. I was as seasick as blazes, and had to take care of 'em night and day. I tell you, sir, you've got a hard time ahead of you; but feedin' 's the only thing. I'll get you something.