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Updated: January 5, 2025

"Oh, my theory's this: war is on one side such a beastly, cruel, and awful thing, that no one man, not to speak of a Christian, can individually take upon himself the responsibility of beginning wars; that can only be done by a government, which is called upon to do this, and is driven inevitably into war.

"There is that beastly Perry Scholarship I must really do something for that!" "Thomas Rot, Esq.!" said Cotton. "Haven't you been a-cramming and a-guzzling for that all this afternoon? You've a duty towards your chums, Toddy, so I tell you."

Grandcourt held that the Jamaica negro was a beastly sort of baptist Caliban; Deronda said he had always felt a little with Caliban, who naturally had his own point of view and could sing a good song; Mrs. Davilow observed that her father had an estate in Barbadoes, but that she herself had never been in the West Indies; Mrs.

If he did what he ought, he'd leave this minute, and let you find out for yourself what it is to drive thirty-odd different stomachs and the same number of bad dispositions in one direction." "You are perfectly right, Minnie," Miss Patty said. "We're beastly, all of us, and I'm sorry." She went over and held out her hand to him. "You've done the impossible," she told him. He beamed.

But he would not be silenced it was early yet, anyway he had been to a Friday cotillon and it was a beastly bore even the supper was poor he wanted something to eat. His foot was on the stairs when he discovered that he was hungry.

He was so beastly familiar that I took out my glass, and I got him into a cafe for fear some one would see me with him. 'My dear fellow, said he, 'you did me the turn of my life. How can I ever repay you? 'Hang your impudence, said I, but I wanted to hear what he had to say.

"Been here long?" he asked him, as they plunged through the shingle towards the sand. "I've lived here nearly all my life," was the reply. And, after a moment, as if the confidence would not be repressed: "I'm leaving now for good." "Ah!" said Cheveril sympathetically. "It's pretty beastly when you come to turn out. I've done it, and I know."

The young man did not appear in the slightest degree nervous. The memory of his recent interview with Captain Elisha did not embarrass him, outwardly at least, half as much as it did the captain. He declared that old Pat's death was beastly hard luck, but accidents were bound to happen. It was a shame, and all that. "If there's anything the mater and I can do, Caroline, call on us, of course."

In the jargon of the rocketeer the great missiles were called "beasts" or "birds." The former was because they sometimes acted "beastly." The latter was a tribute to their beautiful flight when they ran true. Rick thought, "How could anyone sabotage a thing like that?" Gee-Gee brought him back to earth. "Ever climb a gantry?" "No, sir." "Well, start flying, young Brant.

"It's beginning to get dark and if anything came down the road at all fast there'd be an accident." "I didn't draw up in the middle of the road," said the girl. Geoffrey looked at her car. It was in the middle, the very middle of the road. "I didn't draw up at all," said the girl. "The beastly thing just stopped there itself.

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