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Updated: August 26, 2024

"'Bon repos, M. le Marquis! beaux reves, et bel avenir." "'Bel avenir!" murmured the young man, bitterly, leaning his cheek on his hand; "what fortune fairer than the present can be mine? yet inaction in youth is more keenly felt than in age. How lightly I should endure poverty if it brought poverty's ennobling companion, Labour, denied to me!

"The reves," says Christopher Columbus, "will sooner suffer himself to be cut in pieces than let go the body to which he adheres." The Indians drew to the shore by the same cord the fisher-fish and the turtle.

"Not I. Some old pedant in spectacles." "I think not, I am sure not. Here beats a heart I have ever sighed to find, and never found." "Oh, la naive enfant!" cried the count; "comme son imagination s'egare en reves enchantes. And to think that while you talk like an Arcadian, you are dressed like a princess." "Ah, I forgot the Austrian ambassador's. I shall not go to-night.

James, William, "Principles . . . .," I, 270; Algebra-analogy; see also "Fringe," p. 258. Hobbes, Thomas, "Leviathan," Chapt. Sidgwick, Alfred, "The Application of Logic," 1910; The Macmillan Co.; especially pp. 93-94. Delage, Ives, "Une Theorie de Reves," Revue Scientifique, II, July, 1891. Also, Journ. Ab.

He said he had never spent such an agitated night as the one at Vernon. So I said No, the fleas were horrid. He said he had not meant them; he meant that the sight of my beautiful hair hanging down had caused him "une grande émotion" and "rêves délicieux." There was an oldish girl next to him whom he knew; she has coiffed St.

They had tied certain small fishes which they call reves by the tail with a long line and let them into the water, where these reves attached themselves to other fishes, by means of a certain roughness which they have from the head to the middle of the back, and stick so fast that the Indians drew both up together.

DOÑA MATILDE. No decía yo eso, sino que tanta precipitación ... estas cosas, Eduardo, necesitan siempre pensarse algo. DON EDUARDO. ¡Al revés Matilde! estas cosas, si se piensan algo no se hacen nunca ... porque ... ya ve usted ... a cada paso ocurren nuevas dificultades.

Count Saxe could, if he had wished, put the king's shirt on him every morning, but Count Saxe was not a perfect courtier, after the sort described by the Regent of Orleans, who defined a perfect courtier as a man without pride or temper. Count Saxe had both, and did not like the business of valeting, even for kings. He spent much time on his book, Mes Rêves, he dictating and I writing it.

Itineraries of other cities merely describe streets, public institutions, the fairs, the courts, and the places of fashionable amusement; one of these curiosities of literature now before us, published less than a century ago, describes, as available resources to the stranger, Gouvernantes, Emeutes, Reves Politiques, L'Art de Diner, Bureaux d'Esprit, corresponding to our modern blue-stocking coteries, femmes de quarante ans, with their "deux ressources, la devotion et le bel esprit"; Contre Poisons, indispensable in those days of jealousy and assassination; Pots de Fleurs form an item of the most limited establishment; emblems, such as Rubans and Bonnets Rouges, are described as essential to the intelligent conduct of the visitor; and a chapter is devoted to Gallantry, of which a modern author in the same department pensively remarks, "Cette ancienne galanterie qui vivait d'esprit et d'infidelites est comptletement denaturee."

Puis, bercé par la houle, et Rocked by the tides, wrapt in bercé par ses rêves, his glorious moods, L'oreille ouverte aux bruits Breathing perfumes of lofty harmonieux des grèves, odorous woods,

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