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Updated: September 2, 2024

At nine the fair Madame Saxe put in an appearance, and shortly after Madame d'Urfe came in with M. de Schaumburg. Both ladies advised us to take a cup of chocolate. D'Entragues was the first to consent, and thinking that I was almost done he said,

When Count Saxe used the word impossible, I knew for the first time he felt a poignant doubt and anxiety. "And how shall Madame Cheverny be informed?" I asked.

Twice to-night you have brought that smile to his lips, and I never see it without thinking of unpleasant things." "You are right," she answered; "but I hate him so. He and Muriel Carey seem to have entered into some conspiracy to lead me on to say things which I might regret." "Saxe Leinitzer," he said, "has never forgotten that he once aspired to be your lover."

He also studied the seven books on war by that Florentine secretary, Niccolo Machiavelli, who knew more about war than any man who ever wore a black cloak. He was the first who invented the battalion formation. Count Saxe used to say, laughing, that according to Machiavelli, I lacked an essential of a good soldier gaiety of heart.

Old Count Ogilvy, the same whom Saxe surprised two years ago in the moonlight, snatching ladders from the gallows, Ogilvy is again Commandant; but this time nominal mainly, and with better outlooks, Harsch being under him. In relays, 3,000 of the Militia men dig and shovel night and day; repairing, perfecting the ramparts of the place.

For the present, then, Frederick declines the career of conquering hero; goes into law reform; gets ready a country cottage for himself, since become celebrated under the name of Sans-Souci. General war being at last ended, he receives a visit from Maréchal Saxe, brilliant French field-marshal, most dissipated man of his time, one of the 354 children of Augustus the Physically Strong.

"And I, Prince!" she exclaimed, "I say that he will come because he is a man, and because he does not know fear." The Prince of Saxe Leinitzer bowed low towards the speaker. "Dear Lucille," he said, so respectfully that the faint irony of his tone was lost to most of those present, "I, too, am of your opinion.

His debonairness reminded me of Gaston Cheverny's, at the same age, for the young Austrian was little past twenty. "You have got me, a sub-lieutenant caught, because I would not delay our boat in getting off with the finest quarry yet secured in this war." Count Saxe and the rest of us waited to hear this laughing prisoner explain matters still further.

Monsieur Voltaire was at the dinner, along with others of the guests who did not take part in the hunt; and the notary's son kept the whole company in a roar with his witticisms. Francezka was in high spirits, and had the honor of much notice by the king, by Count Saxe, and Monsieur Voltaire, to say nothing of the Dukes of Bourbon and Richelieu.

By this time his Polish majesty had acceded to the treaty of Nymphenburgh, and declared war against the queen of Hungary, on the most frivolous pretences. The elector of Bavaria advanced to Prague, which was taken in the night by scalade; an achievement in which Maurice count of Saxe, another natural son of the king of Poland, distinguished himself at the head of the French forces.

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