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I dun know what she dun it fer: 'min's me uv the Laud on the cross." Dr. Horton knew what she did it for. His knightliness was touched to the quick. The story made him wish as never before to be a better master than he had ever been to his poor people. He asked many questions, and drew forth all the facts, Lizay telling how Alston was helping her while she was helping him. Dr.

"Well, suh," he admitted, "Ah finds that gemmun gen'ly does change they min's erbout me, aftuh they done cut er melon, like." With the air of an emperor, P. Sybarite gave the negro a twenty-dollar bill. "And now," he cut short a storm of thanks, "if you'll be good enough to give me just one more glass of champagne, I think I'll totter home." "Yas-suh!" In a twinkling a glass was in his hand.

Telford still knelt on the bare floor, holding in his arms the dead form of the woman he loved his, all his, in death, as she could never have been in life. Death had bridged the gulf between them. The room was very silent. To Min's face had returned something of its girlhood's innocence. The hard, unlovely lines were all smoothed out.

I assure you, there was the identical, horrible person, with sandy hair and sallow, elongated features whom I had before routed in the matter of Min's dancing with him, seated in my chair, chattering away at a fine rate to my darling; and, she? Was listening to his sallies with apparent contentment. It was, enough to have caused a Puritan to swear!

I ain't had a bite since dinner, and Min's off gadding somewheres " She hurried away, mentally washing her hands of the affair. "Women's got to learn some time what men is," she soliloquized, "and I guess she ain't no better than any of the rest of us, that she can't learn to take her medicine but I ain't goin' to be the one to tell her what kinda fellow she's tied to.

She added in a postscript, underlined with one of her characteristic dashes, that Miss Clyde would be there, if that would be any further inducement for me. Oh Miss Pimpernell, you machiavellian old lady! I would not have thought you could have practised such great dissimulation. Would Min's presence be any further inducement to me! Wouldn't it? Oh, dear no, certainly not!

"Do you think we will ever meet again?" she said faintly. "Out there it's so dark God can never forgive me I've been so wicked." "Min, the all-loving Father is more merciful than man. He will forgive you, if you ask Him, and you will wait for me till I come. I will stay here and do my duty I will try hard " His voice broke. Min's great black eyes beamed out on him with passionate tenderness.

I can hear the beautiful music chiming louder and louder; the harmony of the voice-chorus echoing more and more distinctly; I am on the threshold of the golden gates; I am just clasping Min's outstretched welcoming hands with oh, such a fond, enduring clasp; when I awake. This time my reveil is in real earnest: the vision had passed! It is broad daylight; and, a bright summer morning.

Tarbury began in a low voice rich with feeling, but Julia took a hand. "Don't be such a fool, Aunt Min!" she said, going over to sit on an arm of Mrs. Tarbury's chair, and putting a caressing arm about her shoulders. "And cut it out, Mama! Aunt Min's been kinder to me than any one else, and you know it and I've felt pretty darn mean living here day after day!

"What's the matter, Uncle Julius?" inquired my wife, who is of a very sympathetic turn of mind. "Does the noise affect your nerves?" "No, Mis' Annie," replied the old man, with emotion, "I ain' narvous; but dat saw, a-cuttin' en grindin' thoo dat stick er timber, en moanin', en groanin, en sweekin', kyars my 'memb'ance back ter ole times, en 'min's me er po' Sandy."