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Dey all say dey gwine do it, but ole Brer Rabbit, he crope off whar der wuz a cool place under some jimson weeds, en dar he sot wukkin his mind how he gwineter git dus' out'n dat rock. Bimeby, w'ile he wuz a settin' dar, up he jump en crack his heels tergedder en sing out: "'Make a bow ter de Buzzard en den ter de Crow, Takes a limber-toe gemmun fer ter jump Jim Crow,

As Cookie told me later, in the course of our rapidly developing friendship, "dat young gemmun am sure one ob de quality." To indicate the certainty of Cookie's instinct, Miss Higglesby-Browne was never more to him than "dat pusson." and the cold aloofness of his manner toward her, which yet never sank to impertinence, would have done credit to a duke. On the beach Mr.

Ah done foun’ dat was de name ob a gemmun in yo’ pahty dat wasn’t wid yo’. Truax do as well as any odder nameyah! Now, Ah’s gwine leab yo’ heah t’ git a sleep. Ah’ll toss down some blankets. ’Pose yo’se’f and gwine ter sleep, honey. Don’t try to clim’ up outer dat, or dem dawgs’ll sho’ly jump down at yo’. Keep quiet, an’ go ter sleep, an’ de dawgs done lay heah an’ jest watch.

"Get along dar!" sang out Hosea again. "'Tain' no use a-mincin', gemmun. Dar ain' no fiddlin' roun'. Git along dar!" Miss Lydia had fallen asleep, with her head on her breast, but the sound aroused her, and she opened her eyes and sat up very straight. "Why, I declare I'd almost dropped off," she said. "Are we nearly there, Peyton?"

Had there been but one dog, the submarine boy, with all his grit forced to the surface, might have chosen to face the brute, hoping to despatch it with a well-aimed kick. But with two dogs, both intent ongettinghim, young Benson knew that he would stand the fabled chance of a snow-flake on a red-hot stove. “Dat’s right, gemmun, yo’ keep cool,” observed the mulatto, mockingly.

When the cab at last stopped, Benson looked out to find that the place was well down a lonely country road, well lined with trees on either side. The house, utterly dark from the outside, was a ramshackle, roomy old affair. “Shall Ah wait fo’ yo’?” asked the old colored driver. “Yes, wait for me,” directed Jack, briefly. “Yeah; wait fo’ de gemmun. He’s all right,” volunteered the mulatto.

Had there been but one dog, the submarine boy, with all his grit forced to the surface, might have chosen to face the brute, hoping to despatch it with a well-aimed kick. But with two dogs, both intent on "getting" him, young Benson knew that he would stand the fabled chance of a snow-flake on a red-hot stove. "Dat's right, gemmun, yo' keep cool," observed the mulatto, mockingly.

Gemmun, he wuzn totch! he nuber so much as had de smell uv de lions bout'n 'im! he wuz jes as whole, mun, as he wuz de day he wuz born! Eben de boots on 'im, sar, wuz ez shiny ez dey wuz wen dey put 'im in dar.

Plescott, your defamer said you were not fit to eat with Hottentot savages! I had to call the fellow down severely. Think of it, Mr. Plescott you not fit to eat with Hottentot savages." "Dat was a mighty mean thing to say, sah. Mought ah ask what yo' said to de gemmun?" "I told your defamer, Mr.

The Savannah negro here gave utterance to a loud, contemptuous laugh, and began to fumble somewhat ostentatiously with a big brass watch-chain. "But I speck I struck up wid a payin' job las' Chuseday," continued Uncle Remus, in a hopeful tone. "Wey you gwan do?" "Oh, I'm a waitin' on a culled gemmun fum Savannah wunner deze yer high livers you bin tellin' 'bout." "How dat?"