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Updated: August 26, 2024

Wae's me! wae's me to think o't! She remained a moment silent but still opposing with her hand the farmer's retreat, who betwixt every question was about to turn his back, but good-humouredly stopped on observing the deep interest his answers appeared to excite. 'It will be seen and heard of earth and sea will not hold their peace langer!

'Die for the law! 'You HOPE such a death for your friend, Evan? 'And that do I e'en; would you have me wish him to die on a bundle of wet straw in yon den of his, like a mangy tyke? 'But what becomes of Alice, then? 'Troth, if such an accident were to happen, as her father would not need her help ony langer, I ken nought to hinder me to marry her mysell.

It was a gey-like wey o' doin' aboot naething; but efter we got hame an' had oor supper we forgot a' aboot it, an' spent a very happy 'oor or twa afore we gaed to oor beds. Wudna you winder hoo some fowk grow aye the aulder the waur? You see Toon Cooncillors, for instance, gettin' less use the langer they keep their job; an' ministers haud your tongue!

She remained a moment silent, but still opposing with her hand the farmer's retreat, who, betwixt every question, was about to turn his back, but good-humouredly stopped on observing the deep interest his answers appeared to excite. "It will be seen and heard of earth and sea will not hold their peace langer!

Come fill up my cap, come fill up my cann, Come saddle my horses, and call up my man; Come open your gates, and let me gae free, I daurna stay langer in bonny Dundee." "Whisht, sir!" said the magistrate, in an authoritative tone "lilting and singing sae near the latter end o' the Sabbath!

'It's a pity yer wife wasna yer fiddle, than, Sanny, said Robert, with more presumption than wit. ''Deed ye're i' the richt, there, Robert. Hae, tak' yer fiddle. ''Deed no, returned Robert. I canna bide langer the nicht; but maybe ye'll tell me hoo to haud her the neist time 'at I come will ye? 'That I wull, Robert, come whan ye like.

Hermann Groening, Horn, and, above all, Langer, afterwards librarian at Wolfenbüttel, whose conversation so far blinded me to the miserable state I was in that I actually forgot it. The confidence of new friends develops itself by degrees.

And dinna ye think it'll be a' ower the toon lang or this!" "And hoo will ye meet it, mother?" "We maun tell yer father, and get him to quaiet the soutar! For her, we maun jist stap her mou wi' a bunch o' bank-notts!" "That wad jist mak it 'maist impossible for even her to forgie you or me aither ony langer!" "And wha's she to speyk o' forgivin!" The door opened, and Peter entered.

Maggie had been "hardly spoken of," he admitted; but "I dinna approve o' the way oot o' trouble that she took," he added sternly. "Lasses ought to sit still and thole wrang, until He undertakes their case. If Maggie had bided in her hame a few weeks langer, He wad hae brought oot her righteousness as the noon-day.

But he was away in France, and the delay was sa lang, that t' sir and doctor both agreed it would not du to keep her langer out o' her place, and no one cared but just them two, and my aunt and the rest o' us, from Applewale, to go to the buryin'. So the old lady of Applewale was laid in the vault under Lexhoe Church; and we lived up at the great house till such time as the squire should come to tell his will about us, and pay off such as he chose to discharge.

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