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He will never forget the thrill that shook his soul as he paused beneath the dome of the Pantheon; but he feels that, not only his soul but all the rest of him, could rally and be mighty cheerful in the presence of a dozen deep-sea oysters on the half shell regular honest-to-goodness North American oysters, so beautifully long, so gracefully pendulous of shape that the short-waisted person who undertakes to swallow one whole does so at his own peril.

Reckon it took me all of half a second while them two warriors was giving me the evil eye. I'll tell you how it was." He related the story of the shooting match and the lost bet. "And to this unprovoked design against an inoffensive stranger I fitted the only possible meaning and shape that would make a lick of sense, dovetailin' in with the real honest-to-goodness facts I already knew."

The three chums set to work with a will, cutting, stripping, and soldering wires, and while the afternoon was still young they made their last connection and found themselves possessed of a real honest-to-goodness radio receiving outfit, not quite so beautifully finished and polished off as a set bought readymade in a store, perhaps, but still serviceable and practical.

It set me thinking about what I could do if I had some honest-to-goodness traps with springs in 'em that would hold and I stood it as long as I could." While he spoke, Andrew looked past him, through the door. All the world was silver beyond. The snow had been falling, and on the first great peak there was a glint of the white, very pure and chill against the sky. The very air was keen and sweet.

Talk about thought-transference it doesn't take much of that commodity to read that you two were interrupted by my entrance in the middle of a real, honest-to-goodness, cats'-and-dogs' quarrel." "All right, have it your own way," and Embury laughed shortly; "but it wasn't the middle of it, it was about over." "All but the making up! Shall I fade away for fifteen minutes?" "No," protested Eunice.

Jones whirled and drove his delegation ahead of him from the room, both hands upraised, fingers and thumbs snapping loud cracks as if he were urging his horses up Burkett Hill with snapping whip. The men went tramping down the outside stairs, bellowing the first honest-to-goodness laughter that Egypt had heard for many a day. Squire Hexter leaped up and grabbed his hat and coat from their hooks.

The trouble with you is that you want to be generous, but you don't want to give other folks a chance to be. Let's stop this foolishness and be sure-enough friends Dave." He took her outstretched hand in his brown palm, smiling down at her. "All right. I know when I'm beaten." She beamed. "That's the first honest-to-goodness smile I've seen on your face since you came back."

However, nothing else happened to disturb the calm of a perfect summer night, and a few minutes later they landed at the pier, and hastily fastened the canoes. "Now for a light and the contents of that letter," cried Will, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "We'll soon find out whether Mr. Adolph Hensler was a regular, honest-to-goodness spy, or just an impostor.

She hesitated over that for some time. A really honest-to-goodness nurse may break a rule now and then and nothing happen; but a probationer is only on trial and has to be exceedingly careful though any one might go to the roof and watch the sunset. She decided not to go.

I guess my pa is your leading man." "Mr. Hasbrouck? Impossible!" "Never heard of him," said Bella, promptly. "Montague Fitzmaurice, I mean." "And I never heard of him," declared Mr. Hammond, both puzzled and amused. "What?" gasped the girl, almost stunned by this statement. "Maybe you know him as Mr. Pike. That is our honest-to-goodness name Pike."