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"Then this is where they will begin work," cried Amy, a faint flush warming her face. "Oh, Betty, it all seems like a fairy story." "Fairy story, nothing!" exclaimed Mollie. "This is a real, honest-to-goodness adventure story. My, it's a wonder Allen didn't get shot up last night," she added thoughtfully.

"I don't mind meeting an honest-to-goodness ghost, but I'll be hanged if I'll let him laugh at me!" "I don't see how you're going to help it," said Teddy. "Come on, fellows, it's pretty nearly morning, and we can decide then what we'll do to catch Mr. Ghost. I'm so sleepy I'm apt to fall asleep on my feet."

It must have caused his soul much inner satisfaction to have a real honest-to-goodness grievance to complain about. Every single night from then on, when at five he would tell me I could go upstairs, he always added, “And be sure you're back at half past five!” In natural depravity of spirit, it was my delight one night to be able to sneak down at about 5.25 without being seen by Schmitz.

As for the boys, don't worry about them. I'm an honest-to-goodness widow and I guess I can chaperon you all right." Polly laughed again. Mrs. Van Zandt's eye took in her appearance thoughtfully. "Do you sleep in those things all the time?" she said. "I mean, are they all you brought?" Polly glanced at her diaphanous pajamas and nodded cheerfully. "Well, I'll see that you have an extra blanket.

By the time he had finished he was "reeking wet" as he called it, with "honest-to-goodness sweat," not perspiration, but it was worth all it cost to be able to feel that the sharpest vision on the part of a sky pilot passing over the spot, and even equipped with powerful binoculars, would not be able to detect the presence of the sequestered runaway sloop.

"Well, they calls me some mighty mean names sometimes; but my real, honest-to-goodness name is Inez. Me mudder was a Gypsy Queen and me fadder was boss of a section gang on de railroad somewhere. He went off and me mudder died, and I been livin' with me aunt. She's good enough when she ain't got a bottle by her, and me and her kids have good times. But I gotter rustle for me own grub.

"Is it a real haunted house, Billie, or are you fooling?" "Well, I don't know that it is a regular honest-to-goodness one," admitted Billie reluctantly. "You see, it is the house Aunt Beatrice used to live in when she was at home, and she left it to me, with everything in it." "How perfectly glorious!" cried Laura, clapping her hands with delight. "Tell us about it, Billie.

The sturdily built log house was a real home, no tar-paper shack rustic, we would call it now with four rooms and a porch. There were honest-to-goodness beds, carpets and linoleum on the kitchen floor! Ida Mary was so proud of the linoleum that she wiped it up with skim milk to make it shine.

Beyond, stretches of the real wilderness began, the pioneer country, where farms, except along occasional highroads, were still three, four miles apart, where the breaking on few homesteads had reached the thirty-acre mark, and where a real, "honest-to-goodness" cash dollar bill was often as scarce as a well-to-do teacher in the prairie country.

At first I thought he was just a remote-control tool, but I finally saw that he was a real, honest-to-goodness robot. Who gave him the idea to make such an experiment as that?" "No one at all," said Dr. Fitzhugh. "He's built to make up his own experiments." Mike the Angel's classic face regarded the wrinkled one of Dr. Fitzhugh. "His own experiments? But a robot "