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At first there was the usual grousing, as there seemed to be no reason why our company should be picked from the whole battalion. We soon learned that all hands were going over, and after that we felt better. We got our equipment on and started up to the second line. It was right here that I got my first dose of real honest-to-goodness modern war.

The pan they used was only large enough to cook seven at once, but that first day they made one hundred and fifty big fat sugary doughnuts, and when the luscious fragrance began to float out on the air and word went forth that they had real "honest-to-goodness" home doughnuts at the Salvation Army hut, the line formed away out into the road and stood patiently for hours in the rain waiting for a taste of the dainties.

"That was why I was so glad you came an honest-to-goodness preacher," and he smiled again, so bravely, in spite of his suffering, and in spite of the news that I had just broken to him. Then we prayed. I stood beside his bed holding his hand and praying. The room was full of other wounded boys, but in the twilight I doubt if a lad there knew what we were doing.

Within were marble-topped tables of the Louie-Quince period and stuffy wall-seats of faded, dusty red velvet; and a waiter in his shirtsleeves was wandering about with a sheaf of those long French loaves tucked under his arm like golf sticks, distributing his loaves among the diners. But somewhere in its mysterious and odorous depths that little bourgeois cafe harbored an honest-to-goodness cook.

Anyway, I'd rather have a good time for a few years and then die than to live to be a hundred and never have an honest-to-goodness party. Wouldn't you?" "You're foolish to-day. If you only wouldn't wear such low-cut waists and talk to the men! Mr. O'Valley has noticed it." "I can get another job and another boarding house," Trudy began, defiantly. "You wouldn't last out at either.

"'Oh, a ten-dollar hoss and a forty-dollar saddle' that's you Blue. You don't amount to nothing nohow, doing jackrabbit stunts like that when I'm not looking! 'Coma ti yi youpy, youpy-a." She watched a cloud shadow sweep like a great bird over a sunny slope and murmured while she watched: "Cloud-boats sailing sunny seas is that original, or have I cribbed it from some honest-to-goodness poet?

He and Emery Phelps, the banker, you know, were having an honest-to-goodness fight right out in the lobby. It took three of the men to separate them." "What was it all about." "Well, Gordon owes money right and left, not a few hundred or some little personal debts like that, but thousands and thousands of dollars.

"You're not 'spoofing me, as our British brothers put it?" "It's an honest-to-goodness bad corner especially at night," Charlie returned quite seriously now. "Boches know we fellows have to use it " "You mean the ambulances?" "Yep. They spot us. We run without lights, you know; but every once in a while they drop a shell there. They have the range perfectly.

We pointed it out to new acquaintances as the place where Bud spilled the ink. It was an evidence of his health and his natural tendencies. It proved to all the world that in Bud we had a real boy; an honest-to-goodness boy who could spill ink and would, if you didn't keep a close watch on him. Then came the toy period of our development.

"I beg your pardon," returned the other, "but I thought from the books you mentioned " "Oh, the books! Why, you see, some four years ago a real, honest-to-goodness book man came out to this country for his health, and brought his disease along with him." "His disease?" questioned Patches. Phil smiled. "His books, I mean. They killed him, and I fell heir to his trouble.