Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 4, 2025
One night she had a mind to go down into the garden with Georges when all the household was asleep. When there they strolled under the trees, their arms round each other's waists, and finally went and laid down in the grass, where the dew soaked them through and through.
Similar ropes they tied around their own waists and Dorothy's, and the ends of all were fastened securely to the handle of the magic parasol, which Dorothy held carefully. "Goodbye, everybody!" called the little girl, suddenly opening the parasol. "Goodbye!" cried the genial Scarecrow, waving his hand.
Like their leader, they were full-blooded Mexicans, with enormous mustaches, and long, tangled hair, which looked as though it had never seen a comb. They were dressed in gay-colored clothes blue jackets, buckskin pants, very wide at the knee, and covered with buttons, ribbons, and gold lace. They wore long sashes around their waists, which were thrust full of bowie-knives and revolvers.
Lady Winsleigh assented with some eagerness, and the two, beautiful women the one dark, the other fair walked side by side across the lawn into the house, their arms round each other's waists as they went. "Two queens and yet not rivals?" half queried Lovelace, as he watched them disappearing. "Their thrones are secure!" returned Sir Philip gaily. The others were silent.
I gave them written instructions to take no undue risk or cross any wide-open leads, and said that they were to return by midday the next day. Although they both fell through the thin ice up to their waists more than once, they managed to reach the camp. They found the surface soft and sunk about two feet.
Some in pink and checked shirts, others with blankets over their shoulders, and others in loose trousers and vests, but it was easy to see that they were destitute of under garments. Nearly a score of naked fellows, with clothes only round their waists, were standing round the halyards, to which they were holding on as if they were part of the crew.
We had slowly approached the forest and could get a few glimpses of the women, who had kept quite in the background and hid still more when we came near. They had braided aprons around their waists and rolled mats on their heads. Nearly all of them carried babies on their hips, and they looked fairly healthy, although the children were full of sores.
The Australians have the pull in height and width of chest; the New Zealanders are thicker all through, chests, waists, thighs. The Turks, inconsiderate as usual, were shelling Lancashire Landing as we got ashore. Every living soul had gone to ground.
"Talking of grace, my dear father, and food," said De Graville, loosening the cincture of the tight vest which gave him the shape of a wasp for even at that early period, small waists were in vogue with the warlike fops of the French Continent "talking of grace, the sooner thou say'st it over some friendly refection, the more will the Latin sound unctuous and musical.
I was just in the act of despatching the last morsel of a most savoury stewed lamb and rice, which had formed my meal, when I heard a scuffle of feet, a shrill clatter of female voices, and, the curtain being flung open, in marched a lady accompanied by twelve slaves, with moon faces and slim waists, lovely as the houris in Paradise.
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