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Updated: January 3, 2025

the son of the celebrated epigramatist, was born in London, and in the 12th year of his age, 1517, was sent to the University, where he was educated in grammar and logic. In 1553 he took a degree in Arts, and was immediately elected Probationer fellow of Merton College, where he gained a superiority over all his fellow students in disputations at the public school.

Jeremiah Saunderson had remained in the low estate of a "probationer" for twelve years after he left the Divinity Hall, where he was reported so great a scholar that the Professor of Apologetics spoke to him deprecatingly, and the Professor of Dogmatics openly consulted him on obscure writers.

There is also Brother Walter, who is only a probationer and is not even allowed wide sleeves and a habit like Brother Lawrence, but has to wear a very moth-eaten cassock with a black band tied round it. Brother Walter is a tall excitable awkward creature with black hair that sticks up on end and wide-open frightened eyes.

And if I do pass those examinations I shall be what they call a quick-time probationer. I shall have got it over in six months. Do you think," she asked, as if to please herself, "that six months will be long enough?" "It depends. There is so much to consider." "Yes it depends. Sometimes I think it will be, but oftener I think it will take longer."

He remained at Montpellier for four years first as a probationer and later as a staff officer in the Sixteenth Army Corps, whose headquarters are there.

"Jim, dear love, don't you see? We must wait a long time. Your income is barely enough for one. You are only a probationer with one year's leave from college, and, at most, an extension of another year possible. What little I can bring as my share of the 'combine' won't go very far."

They think I'm only a probationer and don't see anything, but I've got eyes in my head. Harrison is stark crazy over Dr. Wilson, and she thinks I don't see it. But never mind; I paid, her up to-day for a few of the jolts she has given me." Throughout the dining-room busy and competent young women came and ate, hastily or leisurely as their opportunity was, and went on their way again.

"'There 's juist ae wy oot o' the room, an' it's by the door ye cam in at, a' said; 'maybe ye wud like tae come an' sit in the dinin'-room; ye 'll be less distrackit." And Rebecca charged John that no probationer should in future be allowed to enter the Doctor's sanctum on any consideration.

I'd just go back to the same old thing; and when it got too strong for me I'd end up here again or in the morgue." "Tell me where your people live, then, and let me send for them." "Why? To have them read in my face what I've been, and go back home to die of shame?" The Probationer looked at the Avenue Girl's face.

He had let this go because he saw that duty was a sort of fetish with the Probationer. And since just now she liked him for what she thought he was, why not wait to tell her until she liked him for himself? He hoped she was going to like him, because she was going to see him a lot. Also, he liked her even better than he had remembered that he did. She had a sort of thoroughbred look that he liked.

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