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Updated: August 26, 2024

The arm which supported Nellie did not loosen from her waist, though he knew they had seen him and would probably draw conclusions. The young woman was trembling violently. "My rooms are in the second story. Can you walk? Or shall I carry you?" Farnum asked. "I can walk," she told him almost in a whisper. He got her upstairs and into the big armchair in front of the gas log.

Some time in the near future there'll be a board of naval officers here, when we're ready to show them what the boat can do." With everything in readiness, the nerves of all the interested persons present began to suffer from the suspense. Only the tireless band saved the day. "Come along," said Jacob Farnum, at last. "It's a quarter of ten. We'll get up in our places."

Farnum, flushing a deep red, for she had never told her daughter of the plot which she was helping Lady Linton to carry out, and she saw now that it would not be wise to do so, since Sadie might flatly refuse to have anything to do with it, and in her present state of mind, might do something to upset their well-laid schemes. The Plot Begins to Work.

"It seems strange," muttered Hal, "for even a crazy man to have the nerve to destroy himself slowly in such a way." "Humph, no; nothing new in that line," returned Mr. Farnum. "What are we going to do with him, sir?" inquired Captain Jack. "Well, we're not going to turn in at any of the coast towns to give him up," replied the builder.

The old man looked humbly at his handsome, distinguished son. "No, I would never have known him." "He's becoming one of our leading citizens, James is. You ought to hear him make a speech. Demosthenes and Daniel Webster hide their heads when the Honorable James K. Farnum spellbinds," Jeff joked. "I've read his speeches," the father said unexpectedly.

Even before the sale took place, Jacob Farnum received by express a box of handsome mementos sent to Jack Benson by Elsie Carruthers and her brother. The time has come, now, to leave the submarine boys, though only briefly. We shall hear of their further doings in the next volume of this series, under the title: "The Submarine Boys and the Spies; Or, Dodging the Sharks of the Deep."

As if I couldn't extort that from any man. It's the A B C of our education. But the truth about one's self the unpalatable, bitter truth there's a sting of unexpected pleasure in hearing that judicially." "And do you get that pleasure often?" "Not often. Men are dreadful cowards, you know. My father is about the only man who dares tell it to me." Farnum put down his cup and studied her.

Yet confound it, I do want to win this burst of speed. It means, perhaps, the quick sale of this boat to the Navy. If we're beaten it means, to the Secretary of the Navy, that he already has our best boat, and he might not see the need of buying the 'Farnum' at all." "Give Williamson two or three minutes more," begged Hal.

Beyond this he had suffered no injury except a bruise along the left thigh. Jacob Farnum proved to be only stunned and badly shaken. But David Pollard displayed a helpless left wrist and complained of severe pain in the left side of his chest. The chauffeur had a broken left leg, a broken arm, and a mass of bruises on his face, where he had struck the hard earth.

"I think we fellows have done fairly well with your boat, up to date. But suppose Mr. Melville should be able to get a lot of experienced submarine men, and even, perhaps, an officer, from the United States Navy. We boys could hardly beat such a combination as that." "I'm not so sure that you're right on this point, Jack," clicked Mr. Farnum.

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