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"There's a mad devil o' a man behind, ridin' down all he comes across. A's blazin' drunk, I reckon but 'tisn' that 'tis the horrible voice that goes wi' en Hark! Lord protect us, he's turn'd into the lane!" Sure enough, the clatter of a second horse was coming down upon us, out of the night and with it the most ghastly sounds that ever creamed a man's flesh.

Av coorse the shock wasn't enough to have knocked the baste over. I suppose it had tripped in the surprise. Anyhow it jumped up and seized the post with claws an' teeth, whin av coorse it got another shock that caused it to jump back about six yards, with its tail curled, its hair all on end, all its claws out, an' its eyes blazin'. You seem to feel it, says I into meself, for fear he'd hear me.

So it was certainly bitter bad luck that she should by chance have worn it to Confession on Friday, and got it soaked coming home, and hung it up in the passage by the back door to dry slowly, "instead of to be all cockled into gathers wid the heat of the fire blazin' on it, you stookawn," as she explained with exasperation to Ellen Roe, her servant-girl, who had officiously suggested the kitchen hearth.

"If you like, father," said Diana, "we'll pull up all the blinds; then the hot, blazin' sun will come in, and you'll see that it's not early at all; it's late." Mr. Delaney happened to glance at a clock which stood on the mantelpiece exactly facing the big bed. "I read on the face of that clock," he said, "that the hour is half-past five.

The fleet was blazin' away at the fortifications, an' of coorse the fortifications out o' politeness if nothin' else was blazin' away at the fleet, and smoke was curlin' up like a chimbley on fire, an' big balls was goin' about like pais in a rattle, an' small shot like hail was blowin' horizontal, an' men was bein' shot an' cut to pieces, an' them as warn't was cheerin' as if there was any glory in wholesale murther bah!

"Burned herself out on you, didn't she?" "You can't keep a good man down," shouted another. "Never let the baby play with matches," advised a third. "Get pails, gents!" shouted Rule. "We gotta put it out. Where's a pail? Who " "Aw, let 'er burn," said Galloway. "Hownell you gonna put it out? She's all blazin' inside. You couldn't put it out with Shoshone Falls."

It was the work of the missionary pioneer to keep down or root out this carnal, worldly growth as much in the settlement as in the wilderness. Some were for getting over the difficulty by dragging the mere wasted "letter of the Word," or the rotten and withered husks of it, into the highways and byways, where the "blazin'" scorn of the World would finish it.

It wuz a riot of deafenin' noise and clamor below, and fur fur above, Dreamland Tower flamed up a immense pillar of fire, blazin' out for the last time over sea and land, and with a dyin' effort at decoration, crashed down, sendin' up a shower of golden sparks a hundred feet high. Jest then a woman sez, "The little Incubator Babies have been forgotten." "Not by me!"

"Libel?" cried Arizona, his wild eyes rolling, and his lean nostrils dilating as his breath came short and quick. "Yes, grin; grin like a blazin' six-foot ape. Mebbe y'll change that grin later, when I tell you what he's done." "Nothing he could do would surprise me after having met him." "No." Arizona had calmed again. His volcanic nature was a study.

It was very early on a keen, biting morning in November when Daddy came driving into the yard with his rude, long-runnered sled, one horse half his length behind the other in spite of the driver's clucking. He was delighted to catch the boys behind in the preparation. "A-a-h-h-r-r-h-h!" he rasped out, "you lazy vagabon's? Why ain't you got that fire blazin'? What the devil do y' mean, you rascals!