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Black niggers ain't so easy putt off de scent. Dey tinks we's tumble ober de precipis an' busted ourselbes." "Lucky for us that they think so," said Hockins, in a soft tone of satisfaction. "But now, what are we to do? It was bad enough clamberin' up here in blazin' excitement to save our lives, but it will be ten times worse gettin' down again in cold blood when they're gone."

Ardelia Rumsey, who is goin' to be married, wanted me, if I see any new kinds of bedquilt patterns at the White House or the Senator's housen, to git patterns for 'em. She said she wuz sick of sun flowers and blazin' stars. She thought mebby they'd have sunthin' new, spread eagle style. She said her feller wuz goin' to be connected with the Govermunt and she thought it would be appropriate.

But it didn't seem to take. I was jess goin' off, when darn my skin! if I didn't come across the bucket of water I'd fetched up from the spring THAT MORNIN', standin' there full, and NEVER TAKEN IN! When I saw that I reckoned I'd jess wade in, anyhow, and I knocked. Pooty soon the door was half opened, and I saw her eyes blazin' at me like them coals.

"The Tyrone was recruited any fashion in the ould days. A draf from Connemara a draf from Portsmouth a draf from Kerry, an' that was a blazin' bad draf here, there and iverywhere but the large av thim was Oirish Black Oirish. Now there are Oirish an' Oirish. The good are good as the best, but the bad are wurrst than the wurrst. 'Tis this way.

I had before observed that Panuel when market-merry always designated Videy the 'back-bred un, that took a'ter Shuri's blazin' ole dad! When sober his views of heredity changed; the 'back-bred un' was Sinfi. After breakfast next morning it was agreed that Panuel and Videy should walk to the Place to see that everything was going on well, while Sinfi and I should remain in the bungalow.

We took the green back log out an' fetched in a dry one, but that chimbly smoked worse than ever, an' we had to put the fire out altogether, an' the gals set there shiverin' till the rain held up a bit an' the sky cleared, an' then someone goes out an' looks up an' sings out, "Why, there's somethin' acrost the top of the blazin' chimbly!" an' someone else climbs up an' fetches down the bag.

'Shake hands with a brother. I'm goin' to jine the men's club. "'You BE? says I, surprised enough, for Simmons was a billiard-roomer from 'way back. "'Yup, he says. 'I'll be voted in at next meetin', sure. I'm studyin' up on parchesi now. "'Hum! I says, thinkin'. 'How you goin to vote? "'Me? says he. 'Me? Why, man, I wonder at you! Can't you see the fires of Conservatism blazin' in my eyes?

"Or what?" broke in Victor contemptuously. "Or not one blazin' cent o' the stuff in this chest'll you touch." Victor sprang from his seat and his eyes shone furiously. "You you " But his fury was baffled by the solemn, determined stare of the other. A moment more and he dropped back in his seat. Then the great Jean lowered his eyes to the hewn chest upon the floor.

The waves was roarin' and leapin' up all around me higher than the roof of this house, and sometimes their tops would reach over so that they nearly met and shut out all view of the stormy sky, which seemed as if it was bein' torn to pieces by blazin' lightnin', while the thunder pealed so tremendous that it almost drowned the roar of the waves.

"There be times of the moon when I declare that no-count Nella-Rose just plain seems possessed; has ter do somethin' and does it! Three months ago, come Saturday, or thereabouts, she took it into her head to worst Marg at every turn and let it out that she was goin' to round up all the fellers and take her pick! She had the blazin' face ter come down here and tell me that!